Hartz 4 ist dir ein Begriff, oder?
They're sending them to their auntie's farm up north
No, you're supposed to wonder what exactly its purpose is, who leads it, on what legal basis, and what the limits of its power are.
While 20-something year old unelected goons who won't say their names dismantle the government in a week.
to dismantle government ~~waste~~
Who mentioned market share?
I can't even tell if these are real.
Good job on the weight loss. That's my current project, too.
I don't own a scale, but today was the first time in adult life I could see my toes while standing straight.
My plan is to make 41 the year I'm in the best shape of my life.
The Precursors
Cause they remember a world without cursors
Der AfD trauen 11 Prozent der Befragten die größte politische Kompetenz zu, ein Punkt weniger als in der Vorwoche.
Die FDP verdoppelt ihren Wert auf 2 Prozent.
D.h. die Hälfte ihrer Wähler halten sie für inkompetent.
That's actually an example with a manufacturing defect, and a rare collector's item.
The mass-produced version of the puppet has black skin.
Newfangled bullshit! Choose ext2, twm, alsa, sysvinit, xinit, and compile additional software from source.