
joined 6 months ago
[–] 1 points 12 minutes ago

Weil Verkehr = Brumm Brumm, weißdochjeder

[–] 2 points 17 minutes ago (2 children)

I struggle to come up with a first word that would salvage this.

[–] 4 points 1 hour ago

At 7€ a bottle, the COMA logo isn't an accident.
That barely covers taxes, bottling and retail cost, leaving a few cents for the actual rum production.

I've had bottles of beer that were more expensive.

[–] 1 points 3 hours ago

Just a heads-up: Everything you post on Lemmy is public, for the entire world to see, including your ip address and username.
So make sure you use a VPN in a friendly foreign country, do not re-use your username anywhere else, and do not post any info about yourself using the same account or IP address. Even so, those guidelines only protect against superficial surveillance.

For actually organizing resistance, a platform that offers privacy and encryption would be better suited.

[–] 4 points 3 hours ago

That thread shows everything wrong with lemmy at the moment.

"Go to"
"No, we need to fight centralization. Go to instead."
"No, those are tankies. Go to [sic] or"
"I've switched and now can't see any posts."
"Yeah, you need to ctrl+select English and Undetermined as languages in the settings."
"Use this client, it costs money but it's only a one-time purchase".
"No, use that client."
"I used that client, but got only server errors."
"Well, it Works On My Machine^TM^."

When you've been on Lemmy for a while this might all make some sort of sense, but to everyone else, this is complete and utter madness.

[–] -1 points 4 hours ago

I'm already on your side, but that tone made me tune out and cringe at the third sentence (which started with "Drumpf").
Your dad will not keep reading after the first.

[–] 3 points 4 hours ago (1 children)

Wenn Ihr im Ausland lebt, evtl. auch darüber nachdenken, die Wahlunterlagen nicht mit der Standardpost sondern einem verfügbaren Express-Angebot zurückzuschicken.
Eine Postkarte von Chile nach Deutschland war bei mir letztens 5 Wochen lang unterwegs.

[–] 7 points 4 hours ago

yeah, we get the sarcasm. It just isn't very funny.

[–] 2 points 4 hours ago

And cum and sweat and hobbit feet.

[–] 1 points 4 hours ago (1 children)

It's not toggleable if they use it for registering hits.

[–] 9 points 5 hours ago* (last edited 5 hours ago)

Install tealdeer. Then instead of man programname type tldr programname.

[–] 1 points 5 hours ago

Niemand, wirklich absolut niemand, liest sich die Wahlprogramme aller Parteien durch und entscheidet daraufhin, wer gewählt wird.


Du bist im Urlaub in einem Land, dessen Sprache du überhaupt nicht sprichst. Deine SIM-Karte funktioniert in dem Land auch nicht.
Du sitzt in einem Nachtbus auf dem Fensterplatz. Dein Sitznachbar schläft. Fast alle anderen Fahrgäste schlafen auch. Zwischen dem Fahrgastraum und dem Fahrer ist eine geschlossene Tür.
Der Bus fährt auf einer Autobahn-ähnlichen Straße. Wo genau der Bus gerade entlangfährt, weißt du nicht.

Du schaust aus dem Fenster.

Du siehst kurz einen Menschen, der neben der Gegenfahrbahn im Gebüsch liegt, auf dem Rücken. Ein Fahrrad liegt halb auf ihm drauf. Ob er verletzt oder bei Bewusstsein ist, kannst du nicht sehen, denn nach einem Sekundenbruchteil ist er schon wieder außer Sichtweite.

Was würdest du in dieser Situation tun?

Ich stelle die Frage aus gegebenem Anlass. Ich war in der Situation. Ich habe nichts getan und nichts gesagt. Und fühle mich immer noch schlecht damit.


In diesem Beitrag werden verschiedene Alternativen zum Kapitalismus kritisch untersucht. Vorgeschlagen wird eine evolutionäre Aufwertung von öffentlichem Eigentum mit demokratischer Steuerung von Großunternehmen.


copyright 2002, Derek Glidden


A big room somewhere in Europe with lots of chrome and glass and a great big whiteboard in the front with lots of tiny, neat writing on it. There are about 50 desks, each with headphones and pristine workstations, also with a lot of chrome and glass. The faint sound of classical music permeates the room, accompanying the clicky-click of 50 programmers typing or quietly talking in one of the appropriately assigned meeting areas. (Which of course consist of elegant contemporary white pine coffee tables surrounded by contemporary white pine and fine leather meeting chairs.) Coffee, tea, mineral water and fruit juices are available in the break area.

At the end of the day, everyone checks in their code and the project leader does a "make" just to make sure it all compiles cleanly, but it's mostly only done from tradition anymore since it always compiles cleanly and works flawlessly. When all milestones have been met, and everything has been QA'd, (usually within a day or two of the roadmap that was written up 18 months previous) a new KDE release is packaged up and released to the mirror sites with the appropriate 24-hour delay for distribution before being announced.

KDE developers are generally between the ages of 16 and 25, like art made of lines and squares and the colors white and black. When/if they finally stop taking government subsidies and get around to getting "real jobs," most of their salary will be taken in taxes so the socialist government can subsidize the care and feeding of the next generation of KDE developers, just like it did for them. A high percentage of KDE developers, during their mandatory 5 years of government military service, crack from their years of cultural dullness and flee Europe to become terrorists for the sheer joy to be found in killing random strangers for no discernible reason.


An abandoned warehouse in San Francisco, kitted up as for a rave, electronica playing at 15db louder than "my ears are bleeding and I'm developing an aneurism" volumes and the windows all painted over black so that the strobe and spotlights and lasers can be seen better. Computers, mainly made of whatever stuff has been exchanged for crack or scavenged from dumpsters behind dot-bombs, are scattered around on whatever furniture is available, which also consists of whatever stuff has been exchanged for crack or scavenged from dumpsters behind dot-bombs. There's no break area, but you may be able to bum a beer (or more likely something harder) off of one of the developers hanging around, and they will probably be too jacked up on X, coke, acid, heroin, ether or all of the above to notice that you've taken anything.

Development strategies are generally determined by whatever light show happens to be going on at the moment, when one of the developers will leap up and scream "I WANT IT TO LOOK JUST LIKE THAT" and then straight-arm his laptop against the wall in an hallucinogenic frenzy before vomiting copiously, passing out and falling face-down in the middle of the dance floor. There's no whiteboard, so developers diagram things out in the puddles of spilt beer, urine and vomit on the floor.

At the end of the day - whenever that is since an equal number of programmers will be passed out at any given time - or really whenever someone happens to think of it (which is rarely), someone might type "make" on some machine somewhere, with mixed results. Generally nothing happens, so he/she shrugs his/her shoulders and wanders off to look for someone who might have more pink/black-striped pills. Once in a great while, generally in the unpleasant time between the come-down from the last thing they took and before whatever it was they took just now comes on fully, someone will tar up a bunch of random files and post it on a website someplace it as the next GNOME release, usually with a reference to some kind of monkey.

GNOME developers rarely live past 25 and prefer "alternative" art - generally stuff made of feces that's "too edgy" for most people to "understand" or "like." Core GNOME developers are heavy Ketamine users. The bodies of GNOME developers can often be found in dumpsters or floating face-down in any sufficiently large body of water.



(I don't know who he is, but the lighting on his portrait is really boring)


Das Gesamtvermögen der Milliardäre stieg im letzten Jahrzehnt um 121 Prozent auf 14 Billionen Dollar.
Ein Anstieg von über 600 Milliarden pro Jahr.

Das wären jährlich $24 000 für jeden der 25 Millionen Menschen, die aktuell von der Hungersnot im Sudan betroffen sind.
(und dann wäre immer noch kein Milliardär ärmer als vorher)

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