Is anyone surprised that Der Fuhrer is cancelling holocaust remembrance day?
Yes, but I don't have Nvidia hardware to run them
Find a different behavior to replace it is the easiest in my experience. But not every apology worthy behavior has an alternative or replacement.
Is there a law for when people intentionally ignore authorial intent to invoke Poes Law unnecessarily?
Needs many, many more rocks.
It is also the law here that it's the follower's responsibility to maintain proper following distance. But if they're not going to keep you safe, you slow down to make sure you're both safer with their choice in follow distance.
That just sounds like me pissing myself with extra steps.
Press [F] to pay respects the the dog who lived in a house down the street.
Does this surprise anyone? I doubt they even have concepts of a plan, because they don't give a fuck.
The crisis was that we didn't have a crisis,so he had to manufacturer one. He's totally just a job creator you guiz!!!1!
A way to justify letting an aristocracy form while calling it something else.
"Merit" it a vague and nebulous term, so you can set the rubric however you want to justify the merit of any mouth breather with their head so far up their own ass they can see their own tonsils.