Definitely a crepe
Funny: Home of the Haha
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A weirdough for sure.
I donut belong here
Hello Clarice....
"Oh yes... Tarnished, are we? Come to the Lands Between for the Elden Ring, hmm? Of course you have. No shame in it. Unfortunately for you, however, you are maidenless."
I knew this reminded me of something!
"no one knew who i was till i put on the mask"
"Heh, how long until he pawed it off his face?"
"He...he won't take it off. Or let me remove it. Help."
It's the library owl from Avatar The Last Airbender.
Why are you so alarmed when I've gone to such trouble to look just like you?
Why does it fit so purrfectly?
It was made furr it.
No face? (Spirited away)
I like it
Two minutes to realise that's creepy?
I don't buy it
Two minutes to put the pancake on the cat.
...yeah, I don't buy that either.
Maybe they had to cook the pancake first?
Michael caters
Meowchael Meowers
F*ck i missed it
Do you want a new creepypasta? Because that is how you get a new one.
And this was the day I stopped sleeping like ... forever.
Bruh I still think it's cute, think I gotta cut down on the manga
Huh, who knew Ghost had a cat?