
joined 1 year ago
[–] 1 points 9 minutes ago

I didn't. A comment said to read the last 4 paragraphs, so I did.

[–] 1 points 2 hours ago

Thank you. I ordered an iPhone a few days ago, so I'll be able to check it out in person in a couple weeks when the phone gets here. Hopefully it's as useful and streamlined as it is on the Pixel line of phones.

[–] 2 points 6 hours ago

It is a highlight because older cars didn't make HP like today's engines do. So getting an older car with modern car horsepower is a big deal.

[–] 21 points 6 hours ago (2 children)

And he’s done a fantastic job. He really has. And if he didn’t endorse me, I would not be saying that. Okay, I have a problem. I wouldn’t be saying.

Fucking, for real? Dude can just say this kind of stuff out loud and still have supporters? "My praise is conditional on your endorsement".

[–] 1 points 7 hours ago

I'm not talking about office drama. I'm talking about getting cornered by someone in an alley on the way back to your car from a ballgame, or whatever. If you can't run then you have two choices, you can fight, or be a victim. You're fortunate that you've never been placed in a situation that would have allowed you to understand the statement.

[–] 2 points 10 hours ago

I haven't seen that kind of jumping spider on the west coast before, they must be limited to your area. It's really cool looking!

[–] 2 points 13 hours ago

I'm pretty sure that's not in the Bible.

[–] 3 points 13 hours ago (2 children)

That is one cool looking spider. Which country do you live in?

[–] 15 points 13 hours ago

Maybe Kingsmen wasn't so far fetched after all.

[–] 2 points 14 hours ago

Is your posture correct? The usual ergonomic advice is to have the top of the screen level with your eyes, but I've found that to be less comfortable for me. I look all over the screen, but most often at the middle, so I want that level with my eyes. I don't think that looking down all day is great for posture.

[–] 9 points 15 hours ago (5 children)

The first picture is only wrong because their posture is horrible. I've tried every possible screen height, and eye level works best as long as you sit up straight.


AFAIK it has always been this way. I don't think I've been banned from an entire instance, but who knows? If I have, I wasn't told about it. Do they only allow interaction from people registered to their instance?


I switched to Pixel a few years ago because it has on device closed captioning, and iOS did not. I read that iOS does now, and I'm thinking about switching back. Has anyone here used it? Does it work well? Does it obscure much of the screen? I'm really interested in a screenshot if anyone is willing to share one. Thanks.


This community shows up for people who don't speak the language because you haven't set the language in the community settings.


We've pretty much completely discounted astrology as having any meaningful impact on a person's personality. But what about the seasons of the year, and the weather that comes with them? The stars position in the sky are an indication of the seasons on earth. Right? Wouldn't a baby that is born into a world of sunshine and warmth have a different early development than one born into the cold and darkness of winter? Has any research been done on the impacts of a baby's environmental conditions on their personality?


I know that lions can be scared away when they see humans approaching without fear, but what if they're ambushed? How about a tiger, or a polar bear? If I manage to sneak up on one of these apex predators, and jump out, screaming, and running at it, will it run? Or will it just turn around and kill me? I guess I'm wondering if apex predators have a fight or flight reflex, and how strong it is if they do. Do they tend to resort to fighting more often if they're the baddest tiger in the jungle vs the runt of the litter? Do they quickly assess the threat and respond accordingly, or does a flight instinct kick in and send them running?


We all know the outcome of the investigation into his island, with his eventual arrest and death. But what became of his staff? You don't run an operation that large without the help of dozens, or hundreds of people. Most of those people were accomplices to multiple felonies. I'm sure there were a few who didn't know what sort of operation they were a part of, but many must have. I don't remember reading about any other arrests other than his. Were there other arrests, and if so, how many? What about his suppliers? The gangs that would sell him slaves, and the human traffickers who smuggled the victims? Did they all get off Scott free?


We watched this last night and it's definitely the best movie we've seen all year, probably the last few years.

Viggo Mortensen was nominated for Best Actor for his performance in this movie and it's apparent why. He completely disappears into the role, with no remnant of Aragorn, or Captain Fantastic anywhere on screen. You forget who you are even watching.

Mahershala Ali did win an Academy Award for his performance, which is reserved, powerful, intriguing, and believable all at once. I've only seen Ali portray villains before, and I had forgotten about my previous conception of him within the first few scenes.

The chemistry between the two actors is remarkable, and they play off each other very well throughout the movie. We found the movie to have a perfect blend of seriousness, humor, heartbreak, and triumph. The script is great, the acting superb, the directing stellar, and the music is flat out amazing.

The movie doesn't pull punches with the overt racism of the South during that era. The pair - genius musician, and street smart bodyguard - encounter multiple dangerous situations. They save each other, both literally and figuratively, throughout the movie.

Overall I can't praise this movie enough. It is an outstanding accomplishment, and deserved every award that it won. Check it out!


Newpipe hasn't worked on my Android for several days now. Has YouTube blocked the app, or did an update break it?


I've been using Arch on an old laptop for a few years now, but I use Pop on my gaming desktop. I've wanted to switch to Arch for a long while now, but haven't had the motivation (if it ain't broke, and all that). I'm finally ready to do it, but I'm a little concerned about my gaming experience. Are there any gotchas for gaming with an i7 and a 3070 ti that I should be aware of before I make the switch? Is it pretty seamless? Can I still use a freesync monitor with the g-sync compatibility setting? Is it easy to install the Nvidia drivers and well documented on the wiki? I'm open to information about any other sticky scenarios you guys encountered getting Arch set up for use as a daily driver and gaming computer.

Edit: is there any way to backup my internal drive mappings and mounting points, or will I need to set all of that up again?

I've only ever used Gnome for Arch, but one of the things that has me motivated to switch is that KDE 6 supports HDR. Does anyone have experience with it? Is it a pretty slick and simple DE?

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