She wanted to ~~surprise her sister with a fresh loaf of bread~~ get clicks
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She wanted to ~~surprise her sister with a fresh loaf of bread~~ get clicks
She had to let it rest for another 20 hours after getting off the plane anyway. Even if it was really necessary, she could have made the dough at the airport (past security) and kept it fully sealed whilst on the plane.
It really should have been stopped anyway. Raw flour is not an acceptable ingredient to be spreading everywhere. I feel sorry for her seat neighbors
Flour is also explosive, especially as a suspended dust
Hoo boy, can't wait until someone brings a bag of flour to the plane as a threat
I mean, isn't that what we've all been saying about TSA and how it's ineffective against actual terror plots?
Oh sure she can get the dough and ingredients in the plane, but I doubt the entering countrys controls will let that dough full of pathogens in.
Maybe she was trying to add unique cultures to the sourdough from the tray table.
Trying to create a starter using someone else’s yeast infection?
And it’s been used to make yoghurt. How delicious 🤢
I hope these people don’t host dinner parties.
What I find interesting is that the flight attendants that complained were on the Instagram post, not the actual flight attendants on the plane.
They're not allowed to. There are strict, arbitrary guidelines they have to respect while representing their respective company and saying this stuff isn't one of them.
Why? Because then the questions of sanitation and safety come into view and some companies are believed to have killed in order to keep them from being answered honestly.
Call it whistleblowing then. Flight attendant is right
Doesn't the altitude really mess with the chemistry of baking?
So in addition to the ick factor, I suspect this loaf just... wasn't very good bread.
A bit, but the cabin is pressurised so not as much as you might think. You can compensate for it, but I'd need the internet to figure out how so I personally wouldn't be trying the maths in-flight.
If your airplane is the same pressure as the outside air at 30,000 ft all the passengers are dead. They keep them the same as sea level.
not exactly, the pressure in a cabin varies a lot and by altitude. it's not the same as the atmosphere outside the plane, put popping ears alone prove the pressure is not static at sea level.
Representative of company responsible for cleaning plane admits plane is not clean.
They can make it as clean as they like, but the moment passengers are on board the cabin is hardly a hyginic place to be preparing food.
And they definitely don't do any cleaning. They, at most, just pick up trash.
You think the flight attendants are responsible for sanitizing armrests and tray tables?
Not clean as in not sanitary enough to make food on, as can be expected on public transport.
this was hilarious lol
And this is why I bring sanitizing wipes when I travel, and use them judiciously.
Because of the danger that the tray has traces of sourdough?
Because people are disgusting and none of the things you regularly touch in an airport or airplane gets sterilized.
This is really what the 20 second hand wash is meant to address. Increase pH and organisms don’t grow well. Wash up hands every few hours and you’re set.
Maybe you are, but I have a weakened immune system.
I do feel like you succeeded in completely avoiding the point.
Did you really have to follow me from one thread to another just because we disagreed?
And no, you missed the point. People with disabilities and weakened immune systems count as much as anybody else. Fuck off and stop trying to troll me.
Follow you? I have no idea who the hell you are and neither do I care.
An obvious lie, but sure. As long as you go away, it's all good.
Sorry boo. You’re not that important. Going to go ahead and block you to avoid future misunderstandings.
🙄 Whatever makes you feel better.
Slams! Dut duh duh. Dut duh d- wait, what the fuck?