I don’t think people care. I don’t get why people keep going against their own interests, and it’s the only thing I can think of, or they think the rich deserve their wealth.
Come off it, that man hasn’t written anything.
He’s been censoring leftists for years.
We have a strong private school presence, yes. Trouble is it leads to privilege and people get on in life not cause they’re clever, but cause they wear the right school tie.
We had Brexit. We can’t say nothing.
How easy would that be to prove though?
I never really thought of it to be honest, didn’t know it was a possibility.
It’s terrifying.
I’m sorry if it came across that way, I should have put an “/s”, but let’s not forget you put a blatant lie about my country.
Isn’t that the point though?
That’s not even a mop.
When I was the same age we had two cats. I used to lie next to them by our fireplace winking at each other.
The cats were mother and daughter, I think one got hit by a car and one ran away.
To allow the manufacturers to adapt and phase out?