Don't go Bach
Panel 3 should say 'I'll skin your ass raw', and 4 should be 'If my day keeps going this way...'
I was looking at the stars with my 8 year old the other night and said to him 'did you know there's at least a dozen stars up there?' It was lost on him.
Northern Irish, so apparently a Transatlantic voyage by this supposed fuckweasel, which is impressive. Also, it's not pedantry to correct errors. It's an opportunity to learn, which is always a good thing.
This is not only shite maths, but a rip off of this: https://www.reddit.com/r/BrandNewSentence/comments/cygcha/each_scot_would_have_to_fight_off_around_114_cats/
It is body
Yeah, very low. They're usually 4.5 to 10, or so.
Not so much disagree, just that it's stupid. Wearing the Guy Fawkes mask after V for Vendetta became prominent. When they buy an official one, Warner Bros gets a cut. The mask was worn by a man fighting for a Catholic monarchy and a theocracy, and is a foolish symbol for this group.
Ditto, apart from A Perfect Circle. They had a few rubbish albums, particularly Emotive. Just seen Tool for the 8th time.