Just like me fr
I hate how many of my specific dysphorias are mostly unchangeable, a forever reminder of being a boy. At least when I look back I know this always would have happened to me, better parents or more understanding of trans people wouldn't have saved me.
Just feeling a little dysphoric about my size/ribs and lamenting that.
What the fuck.
Down with the cis.
Oh my god I need someone to do that to me.
I'm disappointed too, that'd be cool (for me personally).
But will you continue if I am comfortable? 🥺
The thought of head scratches is such a comfy one.
What a great thought to end the night on, I'd love that too >.<
The nice thing about being forgetful is I get good news all the time :) Another reason to be VERY VERY EXCITED to start E.
Its so cool how stress gives me acne, wow body you really did good.