I read this and immediately typed out a lesswrong length blog post about all the books I've read without thinking, but that might be a bit much so I'll only focus on "one":
Maze books and puzzle books. I was obsessed with mazes as a kid. Hedge mazes, mazes with twisty staircases, mazes with tunnels and shortcuts, mazes with monsters, mazes with puzzles. There is (almost) no such thing as a bad maze book! My friend and I would always check out maze books from the library and solve mazes together. One of the earlier puzzle books I read had some absolutely stupid stuff in it like a guy saying "I need some HJKLMNO" with the answer being he's thirsty and needs H2O. There were also a bunch of puzzle books I can't remember with these really great settings like exploring another world or stuff like that. Also I know it's not a maze book or a puzzle book but mentally Dinotopia fits in this category for me and that book was the bee's knees.