
joined 1 year ago
[–] 3 points 1 hour ago* (last edited 1 hour ago)

But if you buy crypto burgers then your health insurance company can raise your rates on the blockchain! That's the future of finance.

Because rabbits are cute and fluffy and good and it is the solemn mission of all terrible tech companies to take the things you love and make you associate them with useless AI products.

OK new rule you're only allowed to call someone dumb for not finding explosives in their pagers if you had, previously to hearing the news, regularly checked with no specialized tools all electronics you buy for bombs hidden inside of the battery compartment.

Yes crypto instances, please all implement this and "disallow" everyone else from interacting with you! I promise we'll be sad and not secretly happy and that you'll make lots of money from people wanting to interact with you.

[–] 10 points 13 hours ago* (last edited 13 hours ago) (5 children)

The robots clearly want us dead -- "Delivery Robot Knocked Over Pedestrian, Company Offered ‘Promo Codes’ to Apologize" (404 media) (archive)

And here rationalists warned that AI misalignment would be hidden from us until the "diamonoid bacteria".

Yeah you may have a point, if this came out in like 2010 as like a one-off music video instead of a venture capitalist fever dream everyone would be calling it pretty wild. Any artistic merit came from the training data, prompting, or editing together reams of raw output, rather than the shots themselves; and we all know AI companies like to dress up their demos to make them more impressive on the surface.

I think I've just gotten sick and tired of the (lack of) style by this point. It feels like staring into digital noise dressed up in a human skin. Something about the uncanny valley aspects makes it extremely uncomfortable for me to watch; whenever I watch AI videos my brain keeps telling me to run from the demons in the picture and that something is terribly wrong.

It warms the cockles of my heart that all across the web people find AI as annoying as I do.

[–] 5 points 1 day ago (2 children)

The youtube thumbnail landing squarely in the middle of the uncanny valley wasn't a great start. And then I pressed played. Why did I press play?

Billions of dollars for this lol.

[–] 8 points 1 day ago (6 children)

If you're against unrestricted genAI then you're also transphobic

What. Wait has anyone claimed this? Because that's absurd.

[–] 10 points 1 day ago* (last edited 1 day ago)

Man the Pistol unicode mess has always given me mixed feelings

Apple indeed lead the design change, but they did it unilaterally without the input of Unicode. So the standard is still saying that the character represents a pistol, and all the fonts are ignoring that to have it a squirt gun instead, so as to be compatible with a specific Apple font rather than compatible with unicode.

~~It might have been a mistake for Unicode to introduce Pistol in the first place (I wonder how it was chosen, can't look that up right now),~~ Pistol apparently came from Softbank, so Unicode was probably including it for compatibility with existing encodings.

IMO it would have been technologically more sound for UI designers to hide it in a UI or font designers to omit it entirely, than to replace it with another graphic with significantly different meaning. Emojipedia demonstrated the potential for confusion with this cheeky text message example.

Of course by this point we're stuck with water gun so Twitter is just needlessly adding to the mess and Unicode should give up and redefine or add errata to the symbol.

My joke didn't land apparently but I did not mean to imply they were particularly good at technical explanations. Adjusted the working a smidge.

[–] 15 points 1 day ago* (last edited 1 day ago) (2 children)

If HN is best at technical discussion that just means they're even worse at everything else!

I have nothing witty or insightful to say, but figured this probably deserved a post. I flipped a coin between sneerclub and techtakes.

They aren't interested in anything besides "superintelligence" which strikes me as an optimistic business strategy. If you are "cracked" you can join them:

We are assembling a lean, cracked team of the world’s best engineers and researchers dedicated to focusing on SSI and nothing else.


Saw the title and knew I had to post here. Not quite as big of a self-own as Square selling Tomb Raider for a blockchain / AI pivot; but amusing nonetheless.

Join the excitement of the Olympic Games Paris 2024 with nWay's officially licensed, commemorative Paris 2024 NFT Digital Pin collection!

You can claim a legendary or epic pin showcasing the Paris 2024 mascot holding a flag and waving. You can add these digital gems to your collection through Magic Eden’s friendly NFT marketplace as part of Coinbase's Onchain Summer event. Be sure to have an ETH L2 Base-supported wallet to secure yours today!

Remember when companies let you download wallpapers or something instead of figuring out what the heck an ETH L2 Base-supported wallet is?

I remember.


Follow up to (which I need to go read now because I completely overlooked this)

Now OpenAI has responded to Elon Musk's lawsuit with an email dump containing a bunch of weird nerd startup funding drama:

Choice quote from OpenAI:

As we get closer to building AI, it will make sense to start being less open. The Open in openAI means that everyone should benefit from the fruits of AI after its built, but it's totally OK to not share the science (even though sharing everything is definitely the right strategy in the short and possibly medium term for recruitment purposes).

OpenAI have learned how to redact text properly now though, a pity really.


OpenAI blog post:

Orange discuss:

I don't have any particular section to call out. May post thoughts ~~tomorrow~~ today it's after midnight oh gosh, but wanted to post since I knew ya'll'd be interested in this.

Terrorists could use autocorrect according to OpenAI! Discuss!


Don't mind me I'm just here to silently scream into the void

Edit: I'm no good at linking to HN apparently, made link more stable.

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