I have hypermobility, but a mild form that just lets me bend my fingers back without any of the major problems associated with it.
My hands and feet are slightly adhesive when they're any wetter than bone dry, so you can hear a faint peeling sound when I walk barefoot in the house, even a little bit on short carpet. Think peeling scotch tape and reduce it by 50%.
I can also control the muscles responsible for equalizing the pressure in my ears, and that allows me to put them under a slight vacuum to slightly dampen loud noises.
I also have long toes. Not to the extent of a chimp, but I have successfully signed my name with them before (though even lower quality than signing with my left hand).
I also cannot cry from cutting onions. This sounds awesome until you're cutting 3 bags of onions in one go and you learn that the tears dilute the sulfuric acid that forms. That was a painful evening.