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Hi all!
I go by Arkhive and I use they/she pronouns. I'm non-binary trans, but I lean femme. I am a bit of your cliche techy, linux installing, trans girl, and I'm entirely okay with that. I do a bit of writing on many topics, but lately the buzzwords "techno-anarchism", "solarpunk", "trans-humanism" and "urbanism" have been ricocheting around my mind, but that's a bit too hand wavy for this post.
For no reason other than I maybe have your attention I'm going to suggest the books:
Feel free to ask me about moderation, or really anything. I've got a lot of interests and will happily gush about any of them. I have some formal visual arts education, so constructive critique is something I'm very used to and welcome. Finally, I'm a self proclaimed archivist, which is part of the reason I wanted to make this post happen, creating a bit of a paper trail of us mods, and offer a space to field questions, comments, and concerns.
<3 I'd love to read your works- particularly on transhumanism.
given that:
and the book recs; have you read Daemon, by Daniel Suarez? because that book (and the sequel Freedom™) match exactly those tags! ;)
(well...plus a bit good bot of Cyberpunk, which i'm guessing you don't mind)
I will definitely check it out!!
now that i think about it...pretty sure the solarpunk portion is in the second part, Freedom™ (it's not the focus, more of a background thing)
Ah I see, so you too can help derail the general room in matrix into Linux talk :3
Oooh, I sure can help with that.
cool custom neofetch logo :)
Not even nyarch smh my head
I spot a Jellyfin! Very based.
BUT before I am fully impressed I must know if and how many (in GiB) torrents you are currently seeding for Anna's Archive. I'm at 600 (aiming for 1 TiB) but I just like hoarding data :3
I definitely wasn’t just researching drives to see how much of it I could seed. Absolutely not, could never be me. 😬
Honestly I wish I was seeding more of their dataset. My storage situation is a bit wonky atm. I’ve got an old(ish) laptop that I run most of my self hosted stuff on, but it really doesn’t have a ton of storage. Then I try to avoid hosting lots of torrents on my main rig. I’ve got a single board computer I’m planning to turn into a NAS/seedbox, but I need to pick out drives for that. Very tempted to pull for like 2, 20Tb drives that are clones of each other for redundancy, but the combined $800 is, needless to say, holding me back.
As far as Jellyfin goes, yeah. I’ve mostly ditched Spotify now thanks to Finamp and getting back into bandcamp and stuff. Trying to support artists directly where I can. I just last night finally got nginx and Tailscale playing together so I have full on URLs for all my services without ever exposing them to the internet.
Honestly, you can probably find 4 refurbished >=10 TB hard drives for less than $800. 12 - 16 TB is the price-to-performance sweet spot for refurbished drives I believe, as data centers are starting to upgrade to 18 TB and beyond.
And since you're limited in resources (I mean who isn't) I wouldn't recommend mirroring. You lose half your capacity after all. I'd probably go with 4 drives in RAID 5 for single drive failure redundancy with 75% capacity. Look up RAID if you haven't heard about it yet, it's really cool.
(Note that RAID 5 is often discouraged due to risk of multi-drive failure which would wipe out all your data and long rebuild times. I still consider it fine for home server usage with few disks and non-critical storage. If your data is critical go with RAID 1 - i.e. mirroring/duplicating instead. Even then more drives is better than fewer drives imo.)
If you have small amounts of critical data you could also setup a small RAID 1 array with 2 ~1 TB SSDs (which would mirror/duplicate them). But remember: https://www.raidisnotabackup.com/
Take my RAID advice with a grain of salt though since I'm running unraid OS like a filthy casual which - well, as the name suggests - has its own redundancy implementation. In my defense: I didn't have much experience with Linux at the time of setting it up. Still - my 36 TB NAS (48 TB with parity drive :3) is 50% filled already. Storage fills up so fast!
Also, for larger-ish artists that don't allow you to purchase their music (which is most for some reason), I recommend sailing the high seas ;). I still need to set up Jellyfin (+ Lidarr) for music though, right now I'm manually synchronizing all my music libraries.
I'm doing pretty much the same with my services. Except I'm using WireGuard. And NginxProxyManager because nginx scares me. But other than that it's the same!
Yeah I gotta move to wireguard at some point, or the self hosted version of Tailscale. I just like the UI what can I say.
I am also getting music through “other” means. Namely SoulSeek, which I’m loving. I’ve got another source I’ll link once I’m off the train home.
I do know of the whole Raid system, but never explored it. It’s on my list of things, probably sort of parallel to Proxmox on the list. I think those are both things I will learn at the same time and will probably be my next big project.
Nginx also scared me for a long time. I tried it a while ago and could not figure it out for the life of me. Then recently I had a friend learn it pretty well for their work, and then we sort of collaborated on getting it playing with Tailscale.
I always forget the second hand datacenter drive market exists. Like ngl second hand drives spook me a bit conceptually, but data center drives are designed for longevity, so that makes me feel better about it. Will definitely look into it.
5800x, nice. Is it still holding up well for you? Currently everyone is buzzing over the 9800X3D but I don't know if it's worth upgrading to something like that coming from the 5000 series Ryzen processors which are now only two gen behind.
I would say it’s holding up, but I’m not sure I would go so far as to say “well”. After my last minor upgrade it is definitely the bottleneck of my system. I’m juggling the decision of upgrading it and staying on the AM4 socket so I can avoid replacing mobo at the same time, or just bite the bullet and replace both.
Thats so eye-coded
Ceaseless watcher turn your gaze, and the like
Hi from a lemmy.zip user. Most of everything here and on blahaj as a whole is irrelevant to me because I am boring. But I do have friends and family that it is very relevant to. The memes alone are top class. Love to see it.
I think some more of your personal ethos deserve more spotlight:
I like this. I think you will do well.
Thanks! I suppose I should have included what was essentially my mod “application” lol. Yeah, those things are super important to me.
Idk if that means you’re on the pro- or anti- side, but if I can suggest some content either way:
I’m “for” it, in the sense I think we have effectively halted our evolution as it is driven by nature. Now we have the choice to evolve ourselves, and that takes many forms. Gender affirming care, to me, counts as the application of technology to better my life/cognition/function. It is me evolving myself. Which does clash a bit against my environmentalist streak, but yeah. Technology as a way to continue the evolution we have otherwise stopped.
If I really boiled it down, I just want the chip from my transit card embedded in the palm of my hand lol
I know a few of these and will be checking out the rest.
Octavia Butler is well overdue the credit she deserves
Sorry for asking but how can one be non-binary and trans at the same time?
Fine to ask! I personally conceptualize it like squares and rectangles? Like first and foremost I consider myself trans. My desired gender expression does not align with my gender assigned at birth. However, it is also not exactly opposite the gender I was assigned. So I’m on HRT, I’m considering various surgeries and such, but I still land, present, in a way that does not fit the gender binary. Hope that helps. This is also something I’m still perfecting my language and explanation around, so feel free to chime in with your own thoughts. Like I know some people consider non-binary an umbrella term that trans exists within. Not sure I quite think of it like that, but yeah. It’s an interesting discussion I’m happy to hear thoughts on.
As far as I'm aware, it's the opposite, I think this image illustrates it very well:
Yup! Had my visualization exactly backwards! This is what I was trying to describe. Thanks for finding it!
No worries, I had a feeling that was the image you were thinking about 😂
Since it's ok to ask (I hope), and I guess this is more of a general question rather than personal, but does the order of listed pronouns matter? Is it, like, in order of preference? Mostly I see the second pronoun to just be the objective case form of the first, but yours isn't. Why do people even list the objective case when it matches the subjective case?
Yes! Good question! If I wanted to be thorough I would write they/them and/or she/her (and/or looking like a set of pronouns has me chuckling). And for me that roughly corresponds to order of preference. Though it’s somewhat situational. Like at work I mostly just stick to they/them. I work with kids, and I worry about bigot parents seeing someone that presents the way I do (mostly gender neutral/androgynous at work) using she/her. In other settings, with my partners, chosen family, and general queer community I’m comfortable with she/her, prefer it even. Stuff like that. Basically using she/her for me is invite only, and y’all are invited.
Thank you very much for your response (and the invitation)! Although I'm still left wondering about the purpose of listing the subjective case. Your approach makes more sense, "you can use these" and list several options. But why do people list, for example "she/her"? Everybody knows what the subjective case of "she" is.
Thank you for taking your time to explain. I get nervous when asking such things.