
joined 1 year ago
[–] 9bananas@lemmy.world 1 points 2 weeks ago (1 children)

you forgot the necrophilia in Under The Dome! ;)

[–] 9bananas@lemmy.world 4 points 2 weeks ago

not true; that's a developer thing, not steam itself.

steam offers it as an option, it doesn't force developers to use it.

plenty of games bought on steam can be run entirely without steam.

[–] 9bananas@lemmy.world 1 points 2 weeks ago

"practical" and "pragmatic" implies proof, soooo...source?

[–] 9bananas@lemmy.world 1 points 2 weeks ago

generally a very good point, however i feel it's important to point out some important context here:

the pedophiles you're talking about in your comment are almost always members of tight knit communities that share CSAM, organize distribution, share sources, and most importantly, indulge their fantasies/desires together.

i would think that the correlation that leads to molestation is not primarily driven by the CSAM itself, but rather the community around it.

we clearly see this happening in other similarly structured and similarly isolated communities: nazis, incels, mass shooters, religious fanatics, etc.

the common factor in radicalization and development of extreme views in all these groups is always isolation and the community they end up joining as a result, forming a sort of parallel society with it's own rules and ideals, separate from general society. over time people in these parallel societies get used to seeing the world in a way that aligns with the ideals of the group.

nazis start to see anyone not part of their group as enemies, incels start to see "females" instead of women, religious fanatics see sinners...and pedophiles see objects that exist solely for their gratification instead of kids...

I don't see why molesters should be any different in this aspect, and would therefore argue that it's the communal aspect that should probably be the target of the law, i.e.: distribution and organization (forums, chatrooms, etc.)

the harder it is for them to organize, the less likely these groups are to produce predators that cause real harm!

if on top of that there is a legally available outlet where they can indulge themselves in a safe manner without harming anyone, I'd expect rates of child molestation to drop significantly, because, again, there's precedence from similar situations (overdoses in drug addicts, for example)

i think it is a potentially fatal mistake to think of pedophiles as "special" cases, rather than just another group of outcasts, because in nearly all cases of such pariahs the solutions that prove to work best in the real world are the ones that make these groups feel less like outcasts, which limits avenues of radicalization.

i thought these parallels are something worth pointing out.

[–] 9bananas@lemmy.world 23 points 2 weeks ago (3 children)

aber "DU", da geht noch was!

[–] 9bananas@lemmy.world 0 points 2 weeks ago

all of the words you listed that use a soft g are loanwords from other languages (pretty sure they're all french) soooo......yeah. no wonder those have different pronunciation.

when you look at anglo-saxon words the difference becomes clear:

  • gift
  • graveyard
  • ground
  • gay

all hard g's.

mixing up languages is the common denominator here.

the G in GIF stands for graphical, neither english nor french in origin, hence the confusion about pronunciation.

alternatively; English is a terrible mess, and the only "correct" pronunciation is reached through general consensus. if the majority pronounces something a certain way, that's how it should be pronounced.

[–] 9bananas@lemmy.world 1 points 3 weeks ago (1 children)

f95zone has it almost certainly, if not, request it in a request thread, done.

works for pretty much any NSFW title ;)

[–] 9bananas@lemmy.world 1 points 3 weeks ago

you don't have a choice when it comes to data collection:

if it's allowed literally every manufacturer WILL do it!

see: the exact situation we're currently in!!

so, no, you don't have a choice (other than buying an older model).

this isn't how "the market" does anything.

there's no downside to outlawing spyware in cars.

and it hasn't made anything cheaper, what the hell kind of cope is that??

[–] 9bananas@lemmy.world 1 points 3 weeks ago (1 children)

i absolutely love it when it's paired with manual transmission and an auto-break function:

when you stop, for example at a red light, and press the break while standing still for a bit, it goes into auto-break mode.

when you then release the clutch while in gear (neutral gets ignored), it automatically releases the hand break, so you can perform a hand break assisted start from standstill without having to touch the actual hand break!

this is excellent when you've stopped at an incline, and generally really useful!

but i get the skepticism...i was extremely skeptical at first too, but you get used to it quickly and then it feels weird when it's missing or turned off in another car... there's just no reason not to use this feature it's simply great!

[–] 9bananas@lemmy.world 1 points 3 weeks ago

I've seen waaay more manual handles break than electric windows...but that might be somewhat biased by the sheer age of most of the cars with manual windows...still, rarely ever even heard of an electric one breaking...is that common where you live?

[–] 9bananas@lemmy.world 2 points 3 weeks ago (1 children)

because barely anyone even knows about HUDs, since there are barely any vehicles in the "won't cost you both kidneys" price segment with HUDs in them...

...but yes, they really should be in every car. it's just a no-brainer for safety, for the exact reason you said: simply having your speed right in your field of view alone is worth it!

[–] 9bananas@lemmy.world 2 points 4 weeks ago

not really, highly depends on the game... definitely worth checking beforehand though!

haven't run into any problems so far, but that doesn't mean that it can't trigger anti-cheats

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