
joined 10 months ago


Fake: OP is Trans

Gay: OP is very gay

As a Jewish person I feel like ive seen this before

Anyway on a completely unrelated note did you know that some Jewish people supported Hitler and the Nazis, they were known as the Association of German National Jews

[–] 9 points 20 hours ago (5 children)

Which Queer people are voting Trump?

As a Transfem I wish :3

It doesn't matter where you live, be it the US, Europe, or Australia, the cost of living is factually speaking going up in all capitalist countries while wages stagnate. The vast majority of people cannot afford to own capital, basic Capitalist economics state that the working class does not own the means of production. Also why did you just assume im American?

[–] 6 points 1 day ago (2 children)

That is insanely out of touch, oh yeah ill just casually aquire capital because I have millions of dollars lying around. It ain't like im struggling with low wages and an incredibly high cost of living. Consider talking to people outside of your circle of capitalists and maybe try talking to some working class people.

[–] 7 points 1 day ago (10 children)

Counterpoint, you're literally a capitalist. Just because the system benefits you doesn't mean it benefits the working class.

Every striker should be armed, the workers must have the power advantage over the capitalists

[–] 16 points 1 day ago* (last edited 1 day ago) (3 children)

Unionization isn't enough, we need syndicalism. They're like Unions but armed, more organized, more willing to strike and sabotage, and unlike Unions which attempt to hold back the Capitalists Syndicates replace capitalism entirely. Remember, why demand the scraps of the capitalists when we can take the means of production and the complete value of our labor.

Pro life tip: Read theory, join your local socialist or anarchist organization, get involved, strike, sabotage, just make sure to organize

I think he was having a stroke

[–] 43 points 1 day ago (46 children)

Im not offended as much as I am disappointed in the Democrat party, why aren't they as cool as the Republican say they are. Whenever Trump calls them "far left communists" I think "damn I wish", instead they're boring center right liberals. Also I was promised by Trump that the Democrats would end capitalism, kill capitalists, instiute a worker owned economy, open the borders to immigration, enforce Trans rights, promote actual diversity, and unify the left under the red banner.


Effective immediately I will step down as head mod


I have decided that new moderator (including a new head moderator) are needed for the future of this community. I will step back into the position of moderator that I had previously held. If enough people demand I will consider stepping down completely. I apologize for any harm that I have caused to this community.


Its gives this error:

{"data":{"msg":"Required command ffprobe not found, make sure it exists in pict-rs' $PATH","files":null},"state":"success"}

It appears every time I upload an image


I have chosen to abandon all the major changes I had planned. This post will be used for feedback and suggestions. Since I'm the only mod I need community feedback.


cross-posted from:

From the Finnish comic strip Fingerpori by Pertti Jarla, translated by me. Original:

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