And there in lies the skill of it!
Would make cool ‘plinking’ targets
Paywall that isn’t side stepped by reader mode
Use reader mode and side step it
On that basis I have been squinting at the LDO micron. Similar prices for kits as the 0.2 but with a 180x180 print bed. Micron ‘mini 2.4’
I’ve been wanting to build a Voron for ages, I’ve modified an i3 clone from anycubic to such an extent it’s not reflective of it’s original quality at all. But I find the cost and technical challenge a little too high. Recently Sovol brought out an inspired by and using open source basis copy of the Voron 2.4. Sovol SV08. It’s looks quite reasonably priced, but it’s still a big chunk of what I would have spent on the Voron budget, and only needs reassembly out of the box not a full build. I’m just not hearing enough of how they run to be inspired yet. SV08
Warum (etc) nicht usw?
I mean, written a little anti-establishment, but you’re completely right, the ‘producer’ slip issued to bring your documents in has been standard stuff for decades and all of the digital info is available to them as soon as they stop you, so it’s literally just proving your face matches the documents to have it with you. If they just had your mug pop up on the screen in their car, who would need to produce anything?
I don’t see the problem, if you’ve ever used the hmrc tax app, it’s completely fine.
However, it has not yet passed UK road safety tests.
GMP said the car that was seized had been referred to Operation Wolverine, which was established in 2007 to target drivers without insurance.
The owner will have to prove ownership and correct insurance prior to release.
So even if insurance was proven, not sure how for an illegal vehicle, it could be released, but it couldn’t be driven, so knowing the way our authorities work; get this vehicle collected, on a transporter of some kind and get it out of our compound by xx date or we’ll crush it.
Or some will say it’s spelled incorrectly