
joined 1 year ago
[–] wahwahwah@hexbear.net 1 points 10 months ago

"Descent of Sexual Slavery Finds Out That She Is In Fact Descended from Sexual Slavery"

Check-mate, commies 😎

[–] wahwahwah@hexbear.net 1 points 10 months ago* (last edited 10 months ago) (1 children)

I remember seeing a poster of Maxfield Parish’s Daybreak, looking the painting up online and feeling super depressed when I read that no one can ever see the original in person because some anonymous asshole bought it for over $25 million dollars. The worst part is that for all we know, the buyer could’ve decided to set it on fire and feed the ashes to pigeons. It’s their property. Rich people can seriously just take important artifacts with barely any oversight. They collect the weirdest shit, too: the personal letters of celebrities, Gutenberg bibles, stolen Egyptian art. It’s literally just hoarding but expensive.


I never realized how deep racists’ obsession with Black people went until I began voicing support for Palestine of all things. I just kinda assumed the only real targets of Israel and its supporters were Arabs, most Palestinians, and that I could be this untouchable ally or whatever. I was wrong.

These last few weeks have made me even more aware of how much imperialists weaponize anti-Blackness. Even when Black people aren’t directly involved in a conflict, we’re targets. While talking about Israel with some friends online, I basically said that child death is more tragic than soldiers dying while performing their job (i.e. indiscriminate killing, in the IDF’s case). I made this one supposedly apolitical person mad but they pretended not to be as they made edgy jokes about the Arab slave trade and buck breaking. The shit he said was so cruel that I had to break off all contact to preserve my sanity.

Even the people pretending to be leftists are using the genocide in Palestine to be racist to Black people. Lee Fang literally thinks that BLM is like the Israeli government. There’s also currently a post on TrueAnon complaining about how there isn’t a Palestinian Lives Matter, how unfair it is that libs just looooooove Black people so much, blah, blah, blah, wah, wah, wah—all while completely disregarding the many, many ways this country intentionally brutalizes and kills us. It’s fucking tiring, man. I’m so sick of this shit. Like, fine, we get it, you don’t like BLM or Black people—how about LBPFA (leave black people fucking alone) instead?

I never asked to be the permanent focal point of every awful loser’s convoluted political worldview. Literally everything I do triggers psychos. Honestly, sometimes I want to be reincarnated as a rock and just chill without any thoughts.

[–] wahwahwah@hexbear.net 4 points 1 year ago

Never realized how affected I was by my environment until I got to live in Peru for a bit. Being in a walkable town was 100% a better antidepressant than my actual antidepressants.

[–] wahwahwah@hexbear.net 13 points 1 year ago

What's up with white supremacists constantly bitching and whining about black ppl while actively seeking out places that are majority black? Same thing happened with Epstein: he was apparently so racist that he refused to hire anyone black, was always complaining about how they ruined NYC for him—and then he turns around and buys a whole-ass island in...the Virgin Islands (80% black for those that don't know). I get that these types are cynical capitalists at the end of the day, and that a lot of poor vassal states are non-white because of racism, but I mean can't they just go to fucking Ukraine???? Jesus Christ.

[–] wahwahwah@hexbear.net 0 points 1 year ago (1 children)

then I think they need to improve their media literacy.

Cool, another pithy new buzzword from the wonk-net. Gonna place this on my shelf next to "disinformation" and throw them at anyone who disagrees with my views.

[–] wahwahwah@hexbear.net 1 points 1 year ago* (last edited 1 year ago)

I've given up on those sites ever being taken down. Silver lining is that a lot of right-wingers (i.e. Red Scare, Yarvin, etc.) are targets now. Fingers crossed that internet trash chokes to death on its own fumes.

[–] wahwahwah@hexbear.net 1 points 1 year ago* (last edited 1 year ago)

but only serious chuds buy American flag shirts.

Every racist brawl in the south has at least one chud in an American flag wife-beater.

[–] wahwahwah@hexbear.net 1 points 1 year ago* (last edited 1 year ago)

True. I feel like furry hate made the word "de-gen-er-ate" more popular online. "Autist" as well as ableism in general.

edit: The word is banned here, so I spelled it out weird.

[–] wahwahwah@hexbear.net 1 points 1 year ago* (last edited 1 year ago) (2 children)

Omg, yes! It boggles my mind how casually people on the internet will bring the fact that a big part of their childhoods was stalking and bullying a severely mentally ill person. So weird. The saga's more mainstream than other chan-related things. There're hours-long documentaries this person's life and a subreddit with thousands of members—and everyone just acts like it's completely normal even now.

My hot take: the level of hatred for just that one individual did more damage to the public's perception of autistic people than Autism Speaks.


What are the go-to subjects for revealing the true, regressive beliefs of reactionaries who don't consider themselves reactionary? Off the top of my head:

-Trans people in sports: Major gateway to transphobia and misogyny. Complaints about trans athletes inevitably lead to sexism towards literally any woman with muscles. Pretty sure this is how Joe Rogan and a ton of his supporters became so unhinged.

-Affirmative action: So, so many liberals and "leftists" will complain about how they would've totally gotten into Harvard and Yale if not for The Blacks^tm^. Love to bring up SAT scores even though they've been proven to be racist and classist and a shit metric for intellectual value.

-Shakespeare authorship question: A bit niche. Basically, Curtis Yarvin and other Dark Enlightenment dweebs don't think that Shakespeare was capable of penning such timeless plays because he wasn't rich, and according to them, not rich=dumb and uncreative mental husk.

[–] wahwahwah@hexbear.net 1 points 1 year ago* (last edited 1 year ago) (1 children)

Sorry, but the subreddit isn't all that bad. Dog culture can be super misanthropic. It creeps me out whenever pet owners brag completely unprompted about how they'd save their "fur baby" over a homeless person or any person at all if they had to chose. Same with people who blame toddlers and old people for getting mauled to death.

Also, r/childfree is way worse. Reddit eugenicists ruined it with their countless posts and comments actively advocating for the forcible sterilization of poor and disabled people.