Why would anyone watch it that many times on Netflix, they don't even have the extended version!!
joined 2 years ago
I just feel they should have done a better song with the Klingons
It's been a long road
Isn't that the real beauty of AI? We can go over the parts that fans flag as distracting or obviously wrong, and release a new version. This would have to be done on some streaming service so no physical copies until a finalised version everyone is happy with.
That's on me, I set the bar too low
Don't tell me what to do!
It cost him an arrrm and a leg
I'll still watch it, but strange new worlds has shown us what actual decent trek episodes look like
That must have been a bit of a shock
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Should have cloned tuvix in the transporter then split the older one.
Or should have sedated tuvix so a unique personality couldn't manifest in the time before the doctor could design a cure.
But it's easy looking back with hindsight, when you're there and it's actually happening you don't have the luxury of time to think of the most perfect solution.