
joined 11 months ago
[–] 1 points 8 months ago (1 children)

Let's just say that you're sounding very American.

[–] 8 points 8 months ago (3 children)

American culture, and I'm generalising, there are a million sub cultures obviously... Emphasises the individual. The American dream of you working hard to get some payoff, is an example. As such there is a lot of cultural pressure to not correct people when you are in conversation, it's more polite and acceptable to play along. Their stupid ideas, their problem.

And that's where Americans (again I'm generalising) are weakest here. Because stupid ideas are everybody's problem. Because once people go off-the-deep-end there is no easy way of getting them back. And a large amount of people involved in conspiracy fantasy is legitimising it.

So no Americans are not more prone to conspiracy fantasy, but American culture does permit fast growth of ideas. MLMs are another example of this. You can use cultural taboos and cultural elements to sell bullshit.

[–] 14 points 8 months ago* (last edited 8 months ago)

This isn't an airfield. You do not have to announce your departure.

I fully engage the toilet in handstand to overcome this problem

[–] 1 points 8 months ago (1 children)

Pay them to care more?

[–] 1 points 8 months ago* (last edited 8 months ago)

Look at what the justice Democrats have done. They put highly progressive people in power. It's not a simple task.

You have to find the right candidates to put the money behind. Cover the expenses and make sure they can put all their time in their campaign.

You're missing the fact that an electric car is just electric motors and a battery in a car as well. Those are exceedingly simple to install in other cars and many conversions are happening with tesla motors for example.

There is no difference. The software is what controls the cars nowadays. Single massive screens are in virtually every car now. There is nothing about being electric that makes cars more or less hackable.

Merry Christmas to all

[–] 0 points 9 months ago (1 children)

Nah. It's more about inherenting eating habits than genes. Also it's much easier to gain weight if you've been obese during your youth. Eating is also an unhealthy coping mechanism for a lot of people. Genes is probably on fifth place if not lower.

[–] 2 points 9 months ago* (last edited 9 months ago)

A good dietician will limit your fat intake, because that is where most of the calories come from and where cholesterol is. Sugar is also problematic but only in refined form, and in fat people. The theory being that it's fat that limits the response to sugars, I'm oversimplifying but this theory is at the heart of the sugar/fat debate. Dieticians aren't debating this, mostly health gurus and doctors online are. The research into health versus diet is very clear and very much understood. Less processed food, more whole foods, less animal products, more plants. (fruit, grains, legumes, vegetables, nuts and seeds.)

And yes I do agree that the availability of healthy food is very limited and that understanding how or even what a healthy diet is, especially from consuming social media, is hard. The food industry is a multi billion profit industry, there are a lot of conflicting interests. But heart associations, diabetes association, association of dieticians, world health organisations, and many more are screaming from the rooftops. So it's also not impossible to figure it out. But if you're left to the almighty wisdom of 'the market' you're fucked. Yes, it's hard to stay healthy and skinny.

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