
joined 5 months ago
[–] 1 points 2 days ago* (last edited 2 days ago)

I wonder how much memory can Python hold until an error like “out of memory” happens, because ML models (for example, those hosted and served in HuggingFace) loads training weights with dozens of GBs

All the stuff that's LLM and the actual "serious" python libraries are implemented in C/C++ and only made accessible via python.

Which doesn't directly answer the question of what the maximum is, in those cases, but it should be obvious that C/C++ have some good ways to deal with memory.

You can still do "traditional" memory management in python, or "memory aware programming" like, e.g. not trying to read a file in one piece, but reading and processing line by line.

And using C from python is actually very easy and convenient with ctypes.

[–] 1 points 2 days ago* (last edited 2 days ago)
  1. the world doesn't owe you at least one morally correct choice. They can also just all be morally bad choices. (hello classical greek drama btw)
  2. morals depend on your point of view what correct behavior is and on the social group you want to be respected and accepted by.
  3. because of that, morals are subjective, made up, and can be whatever anyone wants.

So xyz being "morally correct" and saying that, is just that person's point of view, and if you have a different point of view, it's just a difference of opinion.

[–] 3 points 2 days ago* (last edited 2 days ago)

Why the heck would 2 projects share the same library?

Coming from the olden days, with good package management, infrequent updates and the idea that you wanted to indeed save that x number of bytes on the disk and in memory, only installing one was the way to go.

Python also wasn't exactly a high brow academic effort to brain storm the next big thing, it was built to be a simple tool and that included just fetching some library from your system was good enough. It only ended up being popular because it is very easy to get your feet wet and do something quick.

[–] 0 points 2 days ago (4 children)

The difficulty with python tooling is that you have to learn which tools you can and should completely ignore.

Unless you are a 100x engineer managing 500 projects with conflicting versions, build systems, docker, websites, and AAAH...

  • you don't really need venvs
  • you should not use more than on package manager (I recommend pip) and you should cling to it with all your might and never switch. Mixing e.g. conda, on linux system installers like apt, is the problem. Just using one is fine.
  • You don't "need" need any other tools. They are bonuses that you should use and learn how to use, exactly when you need them and not before. (type hinting checker, linting, testing, etc..)

Why is it like this?

Isolation for reliability, because it costs the businesses real $$$ when stuff goes down.

venvs exists to prevent the case that "project 1" and "project 2" use the same library "foobar". Except, "project 1" is old, the maintainer is held up and can't update as fast and "project 2" is a cutting edge start up that always uses the newest tech.

When python imports a library it would use "the libary" that is installed. If project 2 uses foobar version 15.9 which changed functionality, and project 1 uses foobar uses version 1.0, you get a bug, always, in either project 1 or project 2. Venvs solve this by providing project specific sets of libraries and interpreters.

In practice for many if not most users, this is meaningless, because if you're making e.g. a plot with matplotlib, that won't change. But people have "best practices" so they just do stuff even if they don't need it.

It is a tradeoff between being fine with breakage and fixing it when it occurs and not being fine with breakage. The two approaches won't mix.

very specific (often outdated) version of python,

They are giving you the version that they know worked. Often you can just remove the specific version pinning and it will work fine, because again, it doesn't actually change that much. But still, the project that's online was the working state.

[–] 8 points 3 days ago

Ein großer Tag für Aalemania.

[–] 1 points 4 days ago

Klingt schon cooll, aber ich wette die klammern sich alle an den überteuerten Preisen fest die sie selbst bezahlt haben, deswegen fallen die nicht auf das Niveau was es bräuchte um das attraktiv zu machen.

Außerdem kann man nicht wissen wie die Qualität der Gebäude ist...

[–] 9 points 5 days ago (1 children)

Easy, join the cult of linux and bow to the power of the cult leaders: "doing math very fast". BEHOLD.

[–] 7 points 5 days ago

Depends, it's been a bit disappointing to see virtually no change since I started using it, particularly in terms of QoL. It is open source, so that's on everyone, including me, but I had hoped for more speed, etc..

Mastodon is way better when it comes to filtering.

Having the option of a reddit clone is pretty good though and I will stick with it. Who knows when and where it will get that critical bit of momentum.

It's already superior to regular forums, in my opinion, so now the question is what kind of format you want to have discussions in, instead of having to default to forums. That choice is a definite upside and I'm glad it exists.

[–] 1 points 1 week ago

In a different time, under different assumptions, meritocracy can happen. Working and working a lot in that kind of environment, enriches yourself, your company and society, without a downside.

Overtime you put in, may be more work, but it's temporary, necessary, because you in your job doing the overtime, helps orders of magnitude more, in critical situations, than other people can, or maybe there is actually nobody else to do the job and the job doesn't get done. E.g. specialized surgeons saving lives. And that effort and overtime would be recognized and rewarded under those assumptions as well.

Somebody who has worked extraordinary amounts, would have put in extraordinary effort. They would be community champions.

It's important to recognize that clash of assumptions.

seek so much escapism to be away from dealing with the bleak, always-gloomy mentality of work.

His words, or yours?

[–] 8 points 1 week ago

Ich finde die sonstigen Begründungen schlüssig.

auch wegen der grundgesetzlichen Schuldenbremse, auf die die Rich­te­r:in­nen ausdrücklich verweisen.

Das ist bescheuert. Man macht nicht Rentenerhöhung, Diätenerhöhung, etc.. und sagt dann "ja aber beim Bafög haben wir Schuldenbremse". Das ist kindisch.

Das Gericht kann leider nur danach entscheiden was schon Verfassung ist. Und wir haben leider keinen Anspruch auf Wohlstandsgleichheit und -ausgleich. Wir haben nur die Gleichheit vor dem Gesetz und eine Chancengleichheit die dadurch ungefähr gewährleistet ist, das man nicht prinzipiell vom Studium ausgeschlossen werden kann (also nach Geschlecht, Eltern, Kaste, Hautfarbe, Religion etc.), sondern es tatsächlich nur vom Geld und Verhalten abhängt.

Die Situation allgemein um Ausbildung, Studium, Schulen, Bafög ist trotzdem Mist. Aber das Gericht hat Recht, die Aktion muss hier nicht von ihnen kommen, sondern über den normalen politischen Prozess. Leider.

[–] 2 points 1 week ago (1 children)

Sorry, I can't seem to find it, but I can tell you that those filters exist on mastodon. I am using them a lot there.

submitted 2 months ago* (last edited 2 months ago) by to c/

Finde ich leider wieder symptomatisch.

Es ist außerordentlich schwierig an die eigentlichen Texte und Stellungnahmen und Positionen zu kommen, weil die Zeitungen sie nicht weitergeben, die Diskussionen oft hinter verschlossenen Türen stattfinden.

Die Vorschläge und Forderungen decken das ganze Feld ab, mehr Strafen, Waffengesetze, Änderungen im Grundgesetz, Änderungen im Umgang mit Asyl, Änderungen vom Umgang der Bundesländern untereinander.

Aber ich vermisse den tatsächlichen Bezug auf reale Probleme und reale Umstände. Ich glaube zum Beispiel nicht das selbst wenn es ein "Messerverbot" geben würde, das dann tatsächlich die Polizei überall Taschenkontrollen machen würde.

Selbst wenn die Forderung sinnvoll wäre, wäre sie nicht umsetzbar, ohne massive Veränderungen in der Finanzierung, dem Verhalten, der Personalpolitik etc..

Es ist nicht klar ob die Forderungen wenn man sie tatsächlich ausformuliert zu unseren Werten passt.

Es ist nicht klar, ob einige Konsequenzen der Forderung nicht sowieso schon die Probleme gelöst hätten. Und es ist unklar, weil nicht so richtig ehrlich mit den Daten und Fakten umgegangen wird wie es notwendig wäre.

Es ist ja sowieso eigentlich ständig Wahlkampf, aber ich finde diese Schwäche in der Argumentation wirklich besorgniserregend.

Es kann doch nicht sein, das wir bei jeglichem Thema ohne jede Bodenhaftung einfach irgendwas fordern, irgendwas tun und uns dann wundern wenn der bunte Mix an kontextlos getroffenen Entscheidungen nicht funktioniert?

Wie seht ihr das?

Habt ihr "gute" Quellen wo tatsächlich mal was drin steht wie machbar oder sinnvoll eine der Aktionen wäre?

Meinungen? Eindeutige, klar bessere Vorschläge die der Rest der Republik irgendwie nicht wahrnimmt?

Eigentlich ist es ein Rant über die niedrige Qualität der Diskussion "die man so sieht".

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