
joined 4 years ago
[–] 5 points 4 months ago

Wrinkle I hadnt previously thought of with 10: Hillary would not want to be caught publicly communicating with Epstein in 2024 (though id? I assume if he's on a flight we live in a reality where he was never outed???) so maybe she tries to talk to YOU to box him out. Fuck.

[–] 4 points 4 months ago

Seems like an odd choice without much relevance lol. Meme maker must have a particular grudge.

[–] 7 points 4 months ago

Idk Charlie's a lib but he's normal I feel like he'd be fun to hang out with. 6 is the obvious choice for me still because I think BOTH are decently tolerable people but 2 is a decent backup.

[–] 3 points 4 months ago (2 children)

Is that really Ron Paul? Doesnt look like him to me?

[–] 6 points 4 months ago

I mentioned my girlfriend to my stepdad (well, ex stepdad actually, my mom divorced him forever ago lol, but i sorta still think of him like that) and he asked like "whats her story" and I had a strong feeling I should not mention she is trans lol. Like have I ever heard him say anything hateful in my life? No. But do I suspect that he'd probably have reacted weird to that? Yeah.

[–] 1 points 4 months ago (1 children)

Honestly like. I think LOST is just one of those times where the half of the fanbase that didnt like the conclusion is just... wrong lol. Its not really homework to figure out the mysteries. IN this case, its the ones who want the reason why the bird screamed "Hurley" spelled out for them step by step that come off as the wrong ones to me. But thats just my taste. Im open to the idea that someone who was in it for the mystery could feel unsatisfied. I just dont get it.

[–] 1 points 4 months ago (3 children)

LOST is a show that I stick up for even if I hate the Mystery Box shit in totality, since Abrahams only had his hand in the first season anyway. The thing is, most of the mystery stuff is wrapped up, its just not spelled out for the viewer explicitly. You can logic your way to most of the answers.

But also always saw LOST more as a character drama than a mystery show, and thought the ending wrapped up the characters arcs decently with a few exceptions (Sayid's ending is ass, Shannon being his one true love and not Nadia is completely bonkers, but anyway).

I wont argue post season 4 gambo being a mess obviously. I cant personally report on HOTD. '

As for origin stories. I will give the MCU credit on one front here, the fact that they decided to forgo that route with MCU Spidey entirely (or was that Sony's decision who knows). Because they were like "ok everyone knows the Uncle Ben stuff now, fuck that, lets not even show the guy". And yet some fans were actually mad at that lol. That being said it seems like the new Fantastic Four is an origin story so the lesson didnt stick.

But yeah Im just going to be pretty open with my readers that this story is going to take awhile and be more like One Piece or DC/Marvel comics shared universes and that they should just have fun with the ride. Character arcs will close, individual adventure and political arcs will close, mysteries will be solved, but theres always going to be something else going on. Or at least the scope is going to be so big that if it gets popular enough some other poor sap is going to have to put my notes together to continue/finish it lol. Like it could in theory end I just... havent gotten there yet in my preplanning yaknow? Sort of like how Oda has outright admitted he doesnt know what the One Piece actually is yet. (actually most of the core mystery arcs are in fact preplanned endings?

[–] 12 points 4 months ago

Yeah as I said elsewhere in the thread I wish I had the means to get him some better quality games that dont have this bullshit or at least only minimally do. So far the best solution that ive come up with thats realistic is showing him the old school stuff he can access on Switch online. But he'll probably still just do that with me and keep doing Fornite on his own lol.

[–] 1 points 4 months ago (5 children)

I think I hated Halo's lack of satisfactory story resolution and the absence of an actual meaningful conclusion enough that I went out of my way to wrap up my own story series with great care.

Lol im just going to go on writing my massive scope final fantasy/gambo/shonen hybrid kinetic novel series that closes individual arcs but technically doesnt "end" because thats whats fun for me.

[–] 6 points 4 months ago (7 children)

Trend chasing is one of the oldest game industry problems and its still one of the ones i get the most angry about. Because it has demonstrably failed time and time again so even the most dumbass executive should be able to tell that chasing another game's success works almost never and chasing the bottle lightning when it does work is so obviously not financially viable. Like how many times do the old men have to learn the lesson.

But i guess they all have enough hubris to think they can pull off an Apex Legends and trend chase sucessfully.

[–] 3 points 4 months ago

Yeah its not my family its my girlfriend's.


Full story: so, you might remember that i promised to read theory when Kissinger died. Made a thread asking for suggestions.

My disability agency had a small budget for Christmas gifts for each "individual" they serve. And the staff I work with most closely asked what I wanted. I mentioned my promise. He only knew about the Manifesto though because normal dude, and i didnt want to give him a list. So he just submits to get me the Manifesto along with some pants.

But he is not sure the Manifesto will be approved. So I realize im win/win situation joke wise. Either they deny it, and i can joke about McArthyism. Or they approve it and make the joke above.


People are like "anti-monopoly laws will stop this right?" And its like have you been around lately? Disney and Fox? Microsoft and ActBliz? The warner and discovery merger in the first place? American government hasnt busted trusts in a long time



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