
joined 1 year ago
[–] -1 points 1 year ago

Ban it, then delete it! That's okay! I want this fucking account gone off this stupid fucking website, but these retards are unable to have a "delete account" function actually work on it!

[–] -5 points 1 year ago (2 children)

I know this is very hard to grasp for a retard like you but I want my data deleted from this retarded fucking server. Thanks and have a nice day, retard.









You had hexbear dragging you along for years and improving the codebase and you can't even get this shit right?

Since this is what I get in my PMs I think it's only fair that everyone who ever said "just block the user" gets to see it too


[–] -3 points 1 year ago (2 children)

Literally just delete my fucking account, don't just ban it - just delete it, but this is too hard for you fucking morons to figure out after years of outside parties helping to get your shitty fucking code up to 2008 standards


Hope you all enjoy the early-2000s shock images opened in your PMs with no warning.

Just remember - if you have a problem with it, if you don't like the content I'm sharing with the world - all you have to do is just block me!


[–] 0 points 1 year ago

Extremely convenient


Just says "saved" and does nothing


Despite the rules they claim to enforce on their instance, when I see a racist, bigoted, or obnoxiously offensive take here it's pretty much exclusively a user from there.

I made a comment about this today on a thread made by a user from that instance and now I have rather graphic scat porn gifs in my inbox from their users. If you somehow don't know what that means - I am now being sent explicit gifs of people defecating out of their anal orifice because I think their instance is filled with bad faith trolls. They're really doing a lot to dissuade me of that notion.

So fuck you, here's my petition to defederate.

[–] 13 points 1 year ago

Today, Gene Fourney is the CEO of IT company TechnologyWest in Denver. I thought this story wouldn't be complete unless I made an attempt to contact him. I emailed him, asking him some questions about NetWorks at the time, but he wasn't interested in reminiscing. "I'm not revisiting an issue that you may have experienced in 1998 with Networks," Fourney wrote. "Times are dramatically different in 2023 than they were in 1998. Not sure why anyone would have an interest in revisiting 28K dialup days of 1998."

Lmao, what is wrong with this guy? I found this whole article to be humorous and light and it was a fun look back on the old days. Tons of people have an "interest in revisiting it".

Given his location it strikes me that I have a solid chance of actually meeting this guy in person and sussing out why he's such a no-fun prick.

[–] 1 points 1 year ago

Defederation from this garbage ass instance when?

[–] 2 points 1 year ago* (last edited 1 year ago)

One of my favorite takes to throw out at random is "The Grateful Dead was the greatest country band of all time".

Now I'll admit I mostly say it to wind people up, but I don't not believe it, either. It hinges on two things: most people don't really think of country music as having bands (even when the singer, of course, has a backing band) and I think Workingman's Dead is a genuinely great all-time country album. American Beauty crossed genres a little harder but it has its bona fide country moments too.

What I'll say is - if you always dismissed the Dead as "17 minutes of masturbation via the electric guitar" (and you're not wrong either), at least give Workingman's Dead a spin. The tracks clock in at standard radio play length and I think it will give you a different perspective. If you still don't like it, fair enough.

[–] 3 points 1 year ago* (last edited 1 year ago)

Spotify is a publicly traded company. Their financial reports are required to be audited every single year. They really are losing money. There's no way around that.

The studios, most of which are also publicly traded, report billions of dollars in profit every year. Hollywood accounting is about using shell companies to move money around (back to the main studio) while ensuring that nobody ever gets paid out on the profits of the movie by the LLC they set up to produce the movie.

I finally got out of accounting. It's really hard to commit fraud at any scale when you're a publicly traded and audited company. People are gonna call bullshit on that but I'm serious. I would be in favor of requiring every "small business" to be audited on a regular basis because I don't know the exact percentage but I would testify in front of Congress right now that easily over 50% of all the small business clients I ever had were committing fraud somewhere.

One case that comes to mind is a guy with a small construction company who had funneled over a half a million dollars to his personal house, calling it business expenses. I took this to my boss - who signed a code of professional ethics and has a professional license on the line - and their reply was "he's defrauding the government out of about a quarter million dollars but we're not the accounting police and that's why we don't sign his tax returns."

[–] 48 points 1 year ago (5 children)

Yeah it's like when you hear about playing baby shark 24/7 at a volume to deprive people of sleep and some people are like "hahaha baby shark isn't that funny" but you can pick any song in the world and if you play it long enough, loud enough, keeping people from sleeping, they will go absolutely clinically insane.

[–] 13 points 1 year ago

efficiency is when you have to recall your cars the most out of anybody because it's more efficient to get them out the door and in to the ~~suckers~~ customers hands and then fix them later


Police searched a home in the Las Vegas area on Monday night in the long-dormant murder case of Tupac Shakur, according to a law enforcement source.

"LVMPD can confirm a search warrant was served in Henderson, Nevada on July 17, 2023, as part of the ongoing Tupac Shakur homicide investigation," Las Vegas police said in a statement. "We will have no further comment at this time."

I know it's extremely tempting to say "what the hell can they possibly find after all this time" but this has been a very strange year in terms of previously thought to be "unsolvable", extremely cold murder cases - the Golden State Killer, Delphi murderer and Long Island Serial Killer have all been caught after much of the public gave up hope on that ever happening.

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