
joined 1 year ago
[–] TawdryPorker@lemmy.world 1 points 8 months ago

That is a fun fact.

[–] TawdryPorker@lemmy.world 10 points 8 months ago (2 children)

I honestly wonder who was pushing this nonsense.

So, there's this pair of cunts called the Koch brothers. They have a business that extracts shale gas by fracking and then turns it into plastics for the US domestic market. They've done very well out of this business and out of fossil fuels in general.

Somewhat predictably they're right wing shitheads. They seem to be behind a lot of the bollocks in the Anglosphere at the minute. The distribution network seems to be that they fund various think tanks including a few of the Tufton Street metastasis and also fund Steve Bannon, Turning Point USA and Turning Point UK.

The goal is to keep them and their dynasty on top.

Once the money gets to the UK, usually through Turning Point UK, it funds efforts to distort people's thinking using social media.

Fifteen minute cities encourage walking and so if people can leave their cars behind that's one of the major use cases for fossil fuels reduced. Can't be having that.

[–] TawdryPorker@lemmy.world 1 points 8 months ago

Meanwhile in the Pentagon: 'Autonomous drones you say...'

[–] TawdryPorker@lemmy.world 7 points 8 months ago (1 children)

UKs 70 year olds are far less likely than their American counterparts to share Christian memes. They share different kinds of reactionary memes suggesting that 'woke' and what they think is hilarious to call 'elf and safety' are the causes of why things are so shit now rather than looking somewhat closer to home.

[–] TawdryPorker@lemmy.world 10 points 8 months ago (1 children)

I saw yesterday that there's a strong protection from the vaccine against Long Covid. Perhaps that would give him more time to contemplate his foolishness.

[–] TawdryPorker@lemmy.world 16 points 8 months ago (1 children)

Unmiscegenated - I'd bet there's plenty misogyny flying about in those voids.

[–] TawdryPorker@lemmy.world 4 points 8 months ago* (last edited 8 months ago) (1 children)

It's got that 'retrain as a swan' energy.

[–] TawdryPorker@lemmy.world 23 points 8 months ago (2 children)

Why does there even need to be a COP every year? They know what to do, they know what will be enough and they have the authority in their home nations to do it. COP is just theatre.

[–] TawdryPorker@lemmy.world 7 points 8 months ago

This is amazing, I had never heard of this artist before and his work is fantastic in every sense.

[–] TawdryPorker@lemmy.world 6 points 8 months ago

Far as that cat is concerned they're the real star in that picture and the strange human is just photo-bombing.

[–] TawdryPorker@lemmy.world 1 points 8 months ago

Liz Truss was probably my favourite PM. Hear me out.

Every day of her premiership I got up out of bed in a good mood, couldn't wait to hear the news about how she'd fucked the dog the day before. Through various circumstances that I'm not sharing with the internet she did cost me a considerable amount of cash when she crashed the economy but she was just so entertaining. And she didn't hang around like a fart in a space suit like certain unelected PMs I could mention. The moment when the lettuce outlasted her and a hand came from off-screen and placed a tiara on its head is one of the lasting delights of the last few years.


“There are now lots of voters who should be instinctive Tories who feel very poor in a way they haven’t before. And instinctive Tories feeling poor is very bad news for the Conservatives,” Mr Dorrell said.

“They are what I would call ‘Tebbit Tories’, who would admire Margaret Thatcher. These are people who have started their own small businesses, plumbing firms, electricians, who are now saying they are unsure how they will survive next year.”

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