Giving things back is not pro-colonial. Did we even have any claim on Greece as a colony?
id imagine shes there
This just about sums it up. Its all a mind game, and you fell for it.
And again what is Sunak's role. Does she over rule him ?
A minute to decide if there is a bike in the picture really ?
So asking the question of why she is in this post is unreasonable? Isn't the PM supposed to be the voice of reason in government, or what is he being paid for.
As much as I like the idea of a trolling report function, it is a very subjective thing to introduce. Some people fall foul of believing the propaganda of their own country, and penalising them for living in a state that does this should not be a thing in my opinion. Ideally you should be convincing people of the truth with irrefutable evidence of the facts.
Pretty pathetic piece imo. There has been 20 letters submitted more or less since Sunak took office. This just looks like Braverman's crew pushing the narrative that they are around, and that the FT is backing them on that. There is nothing in this to substantiate any increased support for Braverman or her cronies.
Article dating 22/10/23 here stating exactly the same narrative.
This seemed very apt regarding the morons following the Leave narrative. They don't seem to grasp that a minister for Common Sense is Harry Potter territory.
Quite sad imo.
I will read up on it, cheers. I am relatively new to looking at politics. The historical things I have to read up on.
ofc they are not. It is ridiculous to want to hold onto them. The amount of people who want to keep them in the UK is very small.
EDIT: to correct a typo.