Is it just me or is "Smotrich" Russian for "look"?
Bog roll and gaffer tape
Ah fer fucksake, another pseudo-pedo cartoon community
It's like swatting fucking flies
Sorry, can't imagine having a banking system that's a decade behind fuckin Eritrea or Kazakhstan and thinking it's the norm 😂
Those new VW buses look like Kanye West designed them
And still have big and clunky parts that look off.
Fucking hell have you seen European women recently 😂
Is WWE not wrestling? Not sure how barely-disguised gay porn is going to solve this
Not often I actually lol at a comment. Well done
If you think CEOs are going to places as shitty as that, you've got low standards 😂
Fucking awful website
Please agree to us sharing your data with a thousand leeches
Aye fuck right off
Is that one of those pics by the photographer who it turned out he was killing the critters then posing them for the photo?
I've just noticed I created my account 12 years ago this month!
Must've downloaded terabytes over the years. A lot of stuff is on Rapidgator so it's worth having a Realdebrid account