At my org the security is so heavy
Yet you allow some rando software with evelated privileges to run their own updates?
At my org the security is so heavy
Yet you allow some rando software with evelated privileges to run their own updates?
Wait, this is allowed?
In Swiss, Milk alternatives like oat milk, aren't allowed to contain "milk" in the name, because they're not milk.
They can do that, with the few overworked people remaining?
Two partitions for a live linux, the second for home and other data. It can come in handy, if you're on linux.
IT security?
Medieval Dynasty?
Jetplanes run on Windows. 🤦
Btw, how bad is security in jetplanes generally?
Wie ironisch. Pilotprojekt (nicht Studie, praktischer Versuch) hat ergeben, dass Firmen in 4 Tagen bei vollem Lohn mehr Umsatz machten und die Arbeitnehmer 2/3 weniger Krankheitstage hatten.
Oder in kurz für Merz: mehr Umsatz und weniger krank bei 4-Tage-Woche.
Yeah, push is a play services thing.