They love trump- so no. German far right is generally split on that issue. The more “palatable” elements are pro-Nato/Eu “white people club only”
Afd is going to go the LePen route absolutely wont do gerxit or whatever its called. They are half ex-cdu/fdp anyways.
It is sad because Turkey (with the generous help of Israel and NATO) has been planning for a while to go after Syria to smash the axis of resistance and the “shia wall” forever- To create a next UAE that will protect Israel onto syrian lands. The destruction and genocides will be immeasurable, mayhaps even another refugee crisis in europe? Well lets just say then its truly a nimbus of barbarism falling the word.
I wonder where the leftist are now that preached biden as the lesser evil? Scolding arab-americans not to vote for kamalcaust and then waging war against half of the mashriq countries.
Similarly to stalin, putin believed in the goodwill of the west to uphold their treaties. The west will always attack, they do not need reason, it is a folly to ever chase the sympathies of westerners because you will always be “authoritarian” in their eyes.
Yes they have received nato weapons through turkey no doubt. Its clearly something they have planned for a while.
Iranian libs are ready to turn down the government if they become too pro-active, similar to china. Not every nation can be russia.
western regions - Poland
They really are planning it? This will go over well amongst the millions of Ukrainian refugees in poland.
Average Burgundian question
Idaho used to have the largest percentage of mandarin speakers per capita btw.
Thats not new lol
Assad keeps winning. Even soft node leftists must be awe of the neon-psi powers of the Lion of Damascus.
Afd is gaining a lot of sympathies amongst the working class due to the fact they allegedly have “an investor” that will restore nordstream 2 and make the economy good again.
But they hate china a lot. Only BSW may be pro-china to some extent. Die Linke destroyed themselves by embracing radlibery and focusing on electability.