
joined 10 months ago
[–] 1 points 9 months ago

Hah... the worst of the USB connections even. $5500 camera with a cable only worth a penny that has it's charging pins go flat and more in it's poor design?

[–] 1 points 9 months ago

So it has a HDMI connection for viewing on a monitor. Wonder if that functions to "output" (video capture card) and has the all the charm/related with the format and none of the film cartridge requirements.

Otherwise, this just sounds like a sleazy stockholders wet dream. A "upgraded" version of a campbells soup can painting with as much effort and thought put into it.

3 minutes of film? Why not go all in at that rate and have it like a 1950's brownie video camera where you had to crank it up clock spring style?

Oops, I gave a idea. now it's $15,995 for a even more "retro" experience

[–] 1 points 9 months ago (1 children)

The Nexus Tablet swore me off android tablets. Went loco in the head and got a Note 4, then watched them cut support off less then a year later after purchase. Went Apple and never looked back.

It's a shame as the "open" design to Android is nicer then apple, but lack of updates, buggy code and more drove me up the wall.

Friend had a Samsung S22 I had to support, and ugh... I hated that phone. Wanted her to get a Apple and make it easier on her, but too late in the game for her to change ecosystems.

If I had any lingering doubt on being in the Apple ecosystem, that S22 finished it off with it's printer bs and more