
joined 2 years ago
[–] JoBo 10 points 9 months ago (1 children)

Important to emphasise that this is a real, and distressing condition.

But if it is real there will usually be a plenty of evidence that it is real. Sexsomniacs most often attack the person lying asleep next to them, and they're horrified and confused when they realise what has happened. The CPS should not be dropping cases simply because the defendant can afford expensive lawyers. And the case where they claimed the victim had sexsomnia is outrageous.

[–] JoBo 68 points 9 months ago (13 children)

That is true of all colours of hydrogen other than green (and possibly natural stores of 'fossil' hydrogen if they can be extracted without leakage).

Green hydrogen is better thought of as a battery than a fuel. It's a good way to store the excess from renewables and may be the only way to solve problems like air travel.

How hydrogen is transforming these tiny Scottish islands

That's not to say it's perfect. Hydrogen in the atmosphere slows down the decomposition of methane so leaks must be kept well below 5% or the climate benefits are lost. We don't have a good way to measure leaks. It's also quite inefficient because a lot of energy is needed to compress it for portable uses.

And, of course, the biggest problem is that Big Carbon will never stop pushing for dirtier hydrogens to be included in the mix, if green hydrogen paves the way.

[–] JoBo 7 points 9 months ago

Squatting in residences that are actually occupied by someone is vanishingly rare. This bit of legislation was just a bit of Tory chest-thumping based on apocryphal tales designed to scare their owner-occupier voting base.

Ideally councils would be much quicker to seize abandoned homes and return them to use, making squatting them unnecessary. But they won't.

[–] JoBo 3 points 10 months ago

Rich people don't have all their assets sitting as cash in a current account.

[–] JoBo 1 points 10 months ago (1 children)

The data showed that the chance of scoring rose when teammates showed their support through touch. The effect only appeared after a failed first shot, which makes sense because such a scenario is likely to spike stress levels.

Of course, the data is not shown. And the study is not able to draw causal conclusions. In this case, they've hunted around and found a subset of shots (second shots after a first failed shot) where it's true. And it's easy to make up reasons after the fact why that might make sense.

It does seem very reasonable to hypothesise that supportive team mates make it less likely you choke on the second shot. But they haven't shown this is down to touch (they just used that as a proxy for supportive team mates). Nor that the percentage of successful second shots after a failed first shot would be improved by more touching regardless of whether team mates are genuinely supportive or quietly seething..

[–] JoBo 25 points 10 months ago

It was known that the software was shitty and buggy before it was foisted on the Post Office, having been rejected by DWP (and the Post Office right up until they were given no choice). It was Blair's decision, he didn't want to upset Fujitsu or discourage investment from Japan.

Short and long versions of a report into that on the JFSA website.

Pressure from govt to pretend that it worked, and to make the business profitable for privatisation, caused this inhuman clusterfuck.

[–] JoBo 2 points 10 months ago* (last edited 10 months ago) (1 children)

She has used her considerable platform to make trans lives worse in many ways, not just with regard to sport.

Because she is a transphobic piece of shit, you see.

[–] JoBo 4 points 10 months ago (5 children)

How is the microphone for phone calls?

[–] JoBo 3 points 10 months ago

As I've said elsewhere, it's about who you want to benefit from your clicks. Pirate her books and articles if you want to know what she has to say (but honestly, it's not much so probs don't bother).

[–] JoBo 1 points 10 months ago

Your point only makes sense if you believe that Rudy Guede was telling the truth. It's possible but she was acquitted so you probably shouldn't libel her here.

[–] JoBo -4 points 10 months ago* (last edited 10 months ago) (2 children)

She's very similar to JK Rowling, even if Jordan Peterson is as far as she's got in her adventures with the far right so far.

You have an incorrect mental timeline on sports inclusion. Some sporting bodies have recently begun to introduce bans under pressure from conservative politicians desperate to distract the people they are pickpocketing. The stronger trend is for inclusion, because two years on gender-affirming hormones eliminates all the advantages a trans woman might have apart from extra height for those who went through a male puberty because they weren't lucky enough to get puberty blockers early enough.

Laurel Hubbard: First transgender athlete to compete at Olympics

The 43-year-old became eligible to compete at the Olympics when the International Olympic Committee (IOC) in 2015 changed its rules allowing transgender athletes to compete as a woman if their testosterone levels are below a certain threshold.

(Feel free to look up Hubbard's performances before and after transition.)

One of the big tells with Lewis is her scare-mongering about trans women in women's prisons. It has long been the case in the UK that women who are considered too violent to be housed in a women's prison have been sent to men's prisons. This applies to all women, cis and trans, and obviously includes trans women who have committed violent crimes against other women. People like Lewis seize on very rare instances where errors have been made to cause alarm and distress. Of course, they ignore the fates of trans women who have mistakenly been housed in men's prisons without any of the protective segregation cis women in men's prisons receive.

Also it was weird of you to bring up her race in the original comment - her being a white woman is orthogonal to the criticism you are making of her.

No idea why you think race and class are not relevant in a comment about her abuse of intersectionality. If you don't understand, dictionaires exist.

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