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[–] Hillock@feddit.de 1 points 5 months ago

The type of building is irrelavant to the problem. Anything that works for apartment complexes works just as well for a single family house. It's always the land underneath that's the issue.

And at the ond of the day any solution that include getting rid of landlords comes down to the government seizing "unused" or "inappropriately used" land more aggresively. Something that just doesn't sit right with most people.

[–] Hillock@feddit.de 3 points 5 months ago

I can't unsee it anymore. It really does look like one.

[–] Hillock@feddit.de 23 points 5 months ago (27 children)

Sport is such an unfair world, trying to find equality and justice in it is futile. We don't want kids taking growth hormones to boost their chances of making it into the NBA. But that also means we crush the dream of plenty of people. Athletes with asthma can't use their inhaler under certain circumstances. A few years ago an UFC fighter with Asthma got his win overturned because he used an inhaler inbetween rounds.

There was a huge discussion about allowing prosthetics in "regular" competition. Turned out at the time that proshetics weren't advanced enough to give an advantage. But I think we all know that this is only a matter of time. And eventually a hard ruling needs to be made that dictates in which direction sport goes.

Banning athletes who take as many hormones, hormone blockers, and other mediaction as transwomen usually take is 100% something that needs to happen. Especially considering that in certain leagues the usage of these substances is the only reason that transwomen are allowed to compete. That feels against the spirit of sport and TUEs. But untill more data exist, I doubt a useful ruling can be made.

What I don't like about the whole discussion is going for the "They aren't real women" argument. That feels degrading and hurtful for everyone involved. I don't want cis or transwomen to have to undergo inspections to determine their gender.

[–] Hillock@feddit.de 4 points 5 months ago* (last edited 5 months ago) (1 children)

Absolute Armut ist gegeben wenn durch die Armut das physische Überleben gefährdet wird. Sprich, man kann sich Nahrung, Unterkunft, und Kleidung nicht mehr leisten. Für die ist es egal wieviele Millionäre im Land sind.

Relative Armut herrscht wenn die Grundbedürfnisse zwar gedeckt sind aber die Leute von der üblichen Lebensweise ausgeschlossen sind.

In Deutschland gibts kaum noch absolute Armut, von daher wird relative Armut als "Armut" bezeichnet. Und der Autor von dem Artikel mag das nicht weil keine Ahnung. Er will dass wir nur absolute Armut als Armut bezeichnen. Keine Ahnung was sein Plan für relative Armut ist. Vermutlich ist ihm das egal und die Leute sollen froh sein dass sie nicht in absoluter Armut leben.

[–] Hillock@feddit.de 6 points 5 months ago (1 children)

Hier in Österreich ist das schon so. Karfreitag is kein Feiertag mehr dafür hat man 1 Urlaubstag extra. Man muss den 3 Monate I'm vorraus bekannt geben aber der Arbeitgeber darf ihn nicht ablehnen.

[–] Hillock@feddit.de 8 points 5 months ago

I don't think that the beacon works that way. The way I interpreted the comic the beacon has been active for the two years and still no help arrived.

Destroying it doesn't really change anything, most likely it wasn't working anyhow because otherwise you aren't stranded for two years. It might just make it easier to accept rescue isn't coming. And doing it voluntary because you prefer the lifestyle could be good moral boost.

But yes, if you are voluntary on an island you want means to contact help. What Masafumi Nagasaki did sounds pretty sweet sometimes. Living naked and alone on an island just getting groceries every few weeks for 30 years.

[–] Hillock@feddit.de 69 points 5 months ago (2 children)

A lot of users are also from poorer countries that lack the means to create their own web infrastructure. Using Facebook to run your business account is easier, cheaper, and more reliable than most alternatives there. Phone carriers and ISP often also have "free"-data for certain social media platforms. You get 1GB+1GB for Facebook/IG/YT/Some Game. So you are stuck in this loop where everything reinforces itself to use Facebook.

[–] Hillock@feddit.de 4 points 5 months ago

While my farts can also be trusted, the few times I doubted them I still went to the toilet just to be sure. It never turned out to be necessary but I'd rather take 20 seconds to go to the toilet and be safe than having to deal with the aftermath of a misjudgement.

[–] Hillock@feddit.de 9 points 5 months ago

Changing the design of a beloved character was always met with criticism and skepticism. When James Bond was made blonde by casting Daniel Craig there was as much of an uproar amongst the fan base as when Ariel was made black.

If a movie is good, people will accept the design changes, if the movie is bad people will blame the design changes. And some people just never get over the design changes and will refuse to give it a chance.

The discussion is just a bit more heated because of the current social and political climate. But that's mostly by people who don't even care about the movie and just use the topic to stir the pot.

[–] Hillock@feddit.de 1 points 6 months ago (3 children)

I don't like this kind of ambition. It can only fail. BG3 was already big enough. Just make a game in similar scope and everything would be fine.

Phrases like:

I think there is some tech that we don't have yet,

And I don't know what the specs are on the next gen [of gaming systems] yet, but I hope that it's going to bring us closer.

Are very discouraging. And this easily could become the next Star Citizen.

[–] Hillock@feddit.de 11 points 6 months ago (1 children)

No, there is too much content for that nowadays. YouTube has over 3 million new videos each day. Facebook, TikTok, Instagram also has ridiculous amounts of new posts every day. Browsing Reddit on New was a terrible experience on r/all or even many of the bigger subs. Even on the fediverse sorting by new is not enjoyable. You are swarmed with reposts, and content that's entirely uninteresting to you.

It works in smaller communities but there it isn't really necessary. You usually have an overview of all the content anyhow and it doesn't matter how it's ordered.

Any social media that plans on scaling up needs a more advanced system.

[–] Hillock@feddit.de 4 points 6 months ago (9 children)

Da gehts nicht um ein goldenseal Paradis zu finden. Es geht darum dass Deutschland nicht viel mehr bietet als andere Länder Aber das Gehalt geringer ist.

Vor 10-20 Jahren hatte Deutschland zumindest noch wesentliche vorteile die ein geringeres Gehalt akzeptabel gemacht hatten. Aber die AfD gewinnt Jahr für Jahr an Stimmen. Sozialleistungen, Öffentliche Verkehrsmittel, Umweltschutz, etc. fallen alle kurz. Und dann gibts halt keinen wirklichen Grund länger in Deutschland zu bleiben. Weil wenn man schon in ner schelchten Gesamtsituation leben muss, dann lieber mit mehr Geld.

Beispiel Krankenpflege, in Deutschland bekommt man rund 35,000 Euro im Jahr. Australien und Kanada zaheln rund 50,000 Euro, Dänemark zahlt 80,000 Euro und die USA noch mehr. USA sind das einzige Land wo das höhere Gehalt vielleicht nicht die Lebenserwartungen wert sind. Aber solange Trump nicht gewinnt gitbs selbst dort genug Staaten wo es noch akzeptabel ist.

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