I’ll go for the opposite, Half-Life 2 is the best “offender”. You get better weapons throughout the game, then the penultimate chapter takes them all except one, and it’s one of the best chapters in any game I’ve ever played.
RDR2 takes away all of your camp upgrades in the final chapter, but the game is completely different in the final chapter and I think it’s a fantastic element of the story. You also lose all of your weapons for one chapter and there’s also a mission where you lose everything, but you get it all back both times.
The only thing I can think of that’s similar that I found annoying is The Last of Us giving you an automatic rifle with minutes left of playtime. I would have preferred if it were swapped for the flamethrower. You also don’t have access to your weapons for a section of The Last of Us, but you get access back, and again it’s a fantastic storytelling element.
Video game equivalent of leaving a family gathering to smoke weed with your siblings and cousins?