joined 11 months ago
[–] 1 points 17 minutes ago* (last edited 16 minutes ago)

There are a ton of things to be upset at Apple for, but as someone who would never consider owning an iPhone I do understand where they were coming from. The problem was the aging batteries no longer being able to source sufficient current to run the processor at full speed. Since the batteries in iPhones are nearly impossible to replace this meant the phones would crash whenever performing a demanding task leaving much of the battery capacity unusable and the phone e-waste. By throttling the processor they reduced the current peaks and allowed these phones to continue operating.

My Moto G4 had the exact same thing happen, but without a software update to throttle the phone and hide the issue from me it started to crash all the time. I simply replaced the battery, but for most people the only option in this case would be to buy a new phone.

Apple probably should have made it an option even if enabled by default on phones with aged batteries. That way you'd need to acknowledge the risk of running at full speed again and not be upset when the inevitable crashes come. Of course Apple being Apple they refused to give the consumer the option so simply throttled them all.

Despite the outcry claiming the opposite, I'd bet that decision significantly reduced the amount of phone waste from non tech savvy consumers.

[–] 3 points 23 hours ago

Thank goodness. I've been dreading the renewal process with how spotty usps is at actually delivering mail to my building. I need the visas in it even after I get a new passport as some are valid significantly longer than the passport itself.

[–] 26 points 1 week ago (1 children)

There was a viral YouTube video of doing exactly this a few years back.

[–] 7 points 1 week ago

As an outsider I'm just amazed that with Brexit there wasn't a large push to unify with Ireland. They never wanted to leave the EU and the border issues it has created have caused so many headaches.

[–] 10 points 3 weeks ago (6 children)

Without a distro to rally behind I'm personally somewhat skeptical. Ubuntu was the best shot we had but since switching everything over to SNAPs it's on the slow side. With the number of Windows ads and early end of support for Windows 10 there's a real opportunity for desktop Linux, but until there's a well supported distro that genuinely doesn't require using the terminal I can't see there being mass adoption.

[–] 2 points 4 weeks ago (5 children)

Are happy hours and lunch specials not dynamic pricing? It's just a different way of framing it as a discount rather than surge price, but it's basically the same idea as far as I'm concerned. I'm happy to vote with my wallet on this, if Wendy's decides they want dynamic prices then I'll just go elsewhere. Fast food certainly isn't an essential.

[–] 4 points 1 month ago

At the time animated series didn't have the same quality they do today, I suspect it's reputation is so good because there's no subsequent animated series.

[–] 2 points 1 month ago

Basically, though I tend to use GMX email aliases for these sorts of useless signups. I don't want some temporary email account to be all that's needed to get control over my TV should I ever connect it to the internet again.

[–] 5 points 1 month ago (2 children)

Many of the cheap TVs with Roku built in require you to set up a Roku account before you can even use the HDMI inputs. After setting up your account you can disconnect it from the internet and use it as a normal TV, but I spent a while trying to get around this block. In the end I had to create a Roku account.

[–] 11 points 1 month ago

Most of the big venues are owned by Livenation. Unfortunately, in 2010 Livenation merged with ticketmaster and somehow the DOJ approved it. Because of this short of legal action Ticketmaster exclusivity is here to stay.

Personally, I'm happy with tickets being non-transferable. If so much of the demand is scalpers this cuts them out of the picture entirely.

[–] 4 points 1 month ago (1 children)

I work in tech and needed to do this as part of onboarding after receiving an offer. Asking during the interview is a little weird but if they've had problems where their desired candidate didn't have the necessary documents then it makes sense. I wouldn't assume they're wanting to see your house, they're likely just wanting to make sure you won't need H1B sponsorship to get the necessary documents to complete the I-9.

[–] 1 points 1 month ago* (last edited 1 month ago)

Tasker has a similar companion app, it just doesn't work with as many things on my Pixel 8 Pro as Macrodroid. The only phone automation I rely on anymore is Wifi hotspot toggling based on connected Bluetooth devices, which Tasker is incapable of now even with the companion app. I really don't know how Macrodroid does it.

Of the automation apps my preferred UI Automate with its flows. It allows the complexity of Tasker without becoming unreadable as the automations become big. It's harder to edit and even worse without root than Tasker.

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