I like pointed questions
Sorry you had a bad experience.
Someone just gave me the thought of me being a husband, all I can say is gross.
I did not expect such a visceral reaction to that idea. Actually disgusted me.
Thank you can never have enough nice replies. I will try to quit the self bullying, its been a thing for too long.
Now I have to respond to all your posts to give my affirmation its a good post That's too many responses.
I hold yawns in but not sneezes, fuck having a stuffy nose.
I worry about stuff like that too. Asking for stuff is hard.
I'm glad that works for you, it definitely would not for me.
And if you do a bad, it would not kill you to apologize
Yes, I forget often. My parents would never believe me as a child but it's always been pretty bad imo.
Yes, absolutely
This one depends. I definitely spiral pretty badly sometimes and don't enjoy anything, but overall I do still enjoy stuff, when I'm feeling good. I've dealt with depression and I don't think that's it, when I was depressed it was all the time.
This is a little harder to say, sometimes I'll force myself to start but I'll very quickly abandon it (like, usually within 2 minutes and it's basically in the same state it was before). But if I'm actually doing it I think so?
It really is effecting me negatively, unfortunately. There's a lot of both, things that need to get done vs things I want to do but just... haven't. Maybe making a list will help me. Its a little overwhelming.
Thank you, I will try. The self shaming runs very deep for me, but I will try.
Usually I don't have much to say on your bookposting but I'll do better