Why can't I just be and feel normal
The pain isn't stopping. All day today, all day yesterday, I don't remember before that. I need it to stop. I can't be this way.
Its not what I want either. Sorry. Just a lot of thoughts. Its all very hard for me.
Thank you, its been difficult. I really appreciate your support.
:meow-hug: thank you. Really struggling right now.
maybe its not mental illness, and wanting to sh/kms is just a normal, rational reaction to what is happening. Neither option is super comforting.
Got plenty of sleep last night, still feel miserable today. At least none of my dreams got remembered, so if there was something upsetting in there
20 days clean. Still struggling a lot with urges. It feels very close in a way that's hard to describe.
I feel so hopeless, about everything. This gives me one thought. Not worth talking about.
I don't know why my brain does this. Mental illness ig.
Just struggling lately, I'm going to bed early tonight. Goodnight Mega.
I miss you too, hope you get better soon.