I played the first one for a bit and it was like a survival city builder. Is the 2nd Frostpunk more like a political sim ? If thats the case its gonna be hard to resist NOT playing it. Is it more sandboxy or story focused ? In short. Can I get a rundown how it is ?
I dont care for most city builders (like I did enjoy tropico for example) but Im not really into cities skylines stuff I think at least.
If Frostpunk 2 feels more like a politics game I would be VERY interested (the very reason why some fans of frostpunk 1 dislike game 2 might be why it could be perfect for me I guess)
I might be wrong but I think that Frostpunk 1 criticizes your choices not matter what you do at the end.
I dont care that much wether the politics in Frostpunk 2 are good. I just enjoy the concept of trying to manage different political factions ingames.