Witcher 3 - Skellige. Cyberpunk 2077 - a car ride just about anywhere
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first game was Skyrim, really helped me when I was younger. These days it’s RDR2, starting over the Mass Effect trilogy and the Spiderman games
Skate 3
Video game equivalent of leaving a family gathering to smoke weed with your siblings and cousins?
It's probably a Civ game. Dont care which I just wanna waste hours building and winning a game that could take from 3 hours to 2 weeks of playtime.
But back then I used to play alot of the flash games as my chill game like chocolatier: decadence by design or diner dash.
Assassin’s Creed Odyssey, the difference being that I enjoy Assassin’s Creed Odyssey. Walking around my block is the most boring thing, ever.
Playing WWE SmackDown 2007 wid my Big bro (who's still a OG) was my kinda walk
Death Stranding 😌
Skate 3
No Mans Sky on creative.
Playing Skyrim.
Death Stranding for me. Taking long strolls in the fields and the grass or just driving on the roads always calm me down pretty fast.
Skyrim or ACNH on my Switch.
Gathering resources in most survival games. It's mindless, like walking. You just mine some stone while listening to music or talking to a friend or something.
Going to places in Louisiana like DeSalle or Stillwater in and around 1890 to hunt and kill a monster for a contract. If I meet people along the way... yeah they have to go too. There ain't enough bounty to share around.
Swinging around on Spiderman
Cyberpunk 2077 Either by bike or on my Mai Mai blasting Night FM. 😆
love adventuring in chernarus
flying around the World Of Warcraft on one of my mounts. been playing since vanilla. running or flying (released in the first xpac) has always been an escape for me. put on aome music and just take in the beautiful scenery. i was so happy with the dragonflight expansion because it took flying to a whole new level.
Halo - a walk in the woods
Monster hunter Generations Ultimate, Skyrim, DarkTide, Battlefield games.
Long long time ago, SSX3. Damn, just going down that mountain from top to bottom, no countdown, wonderful sound track. They just don't make it like this anymore.
As a child that was my joy. Today it would be my therapy lol
Cruising around in freeroam in Forza Horizon 5
DayZ or Deadside. 90% of the time you are literally walking around, well running...
But I find it very relaxing
Nfs 2015,i just drive around the map
Hunter: Call of the Wild. Quatro Colinas is my personal favorite map, but I recently got Revontulli Coast on sale and goddamn the ambiance is stellar, plus SO MANY DUCKS
If for some relaxing games then it's Black clover on bluestacks for me, just to kill some time
Playing a flashpoint in SWTOR. Or just running around on the fleet.
GTA 4. Spawn helicopter, get to roof, spawn dirt bike, try to backflip down to the street. Rinse and repeat.
A round or two of good ole Solitaire
Death Stranding has lots of walking opportunities if you’re not in the mood for vehicles lol.
Sunday driving in GTA V or Beamng Drive, or going hunting/fishing in RDR2.
Death Stranding
Assassins Creed IV: Black Flag. I love just putting that game on, sailing around, taking down Man O' Wars like they're little schooners and bullying the poor souls on board while I make a mockery of their military xD
Just Cause 3. The wingsuit is unmatched
The overwatch waotingnscreen you actually have to take a walk to pass the time
MLB Slugfest 2006 for the ps2
Fishing in ocarina of time
Forza Horizon 4. The open world driving in offline mode is so peaceful.
Spiderman 2 now but Spiderman miles morales, just swinging around in the beautiful open world, or GTA V cruise (always ended in a police chase) or rdr2 just riding around (ends ina sheriff chase)
a short hike and lil gator game
Used to be flying in space mmo.