That's because it is a whole different planet.
Wake up, Neo.
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That's because it is a whole different planet.
Wake up, Neo.
I laid at the base of half dome in Yosemite and it became the largest projector screen for my hallucinations. Would recommend
Sounds magical. A few years back me and some buddies ate some tabs and wondered around the Yosemite valley. Ended up on a wooden board walk going through a meadow staring at Glacier Point while the sun was shining on it and it was one of the most peaceful moments of my life
Is this The Wedge in Utah?
Right state, but it's green river overlook at Canyonlands Nation Park up in the Island in the Sky side. Same river though!
Ever been to a mountain? Specifically for skiing, they feel like another planet
I snowboard but yes being up on the mountain is a special feeling. I've never considered it like a foreign planet but your so right it's like no where else on earth being up there strapped to a plank or two