So, you think that the same people who couldn't be bothered to vote are suddenly going to organize themselves and go on strike? What makes you think this will happen?
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It doesn't have to be everyone. I think I saw somewhere that the number just has to be like 3-6%
Most places I have worked expect to have a few people out on any day.
Even a 10% cut back across the board wouldn't mean a lot, especially if other workers were willing to scab for overtime.
Good point, but a general strike is far more than just not working:
If people had put a tenth of that amount of work in, we would have had Bernie as the Dem nominee in 2020 and 2024.
I see nothing to make me think that my fellow citizens are going to organize themselves.
Sadly as people, we often don't see what's necessary, or don't want to inconvenience ourselves, until it's absolutely necessary, or often too late. Someone else will always take care of it before it's a problem I have to deal with right?
We can't get people to vote. There's no way we're getting a general strike
The cynic in me says there's a big overlap between the unemployed and the unrepresented, so to speak.
There's a reason why for the longest time there was a lot of vagrancy (still are) and loitering laws. Was so that the unemployed and homeless couldnt have a voice without making themselves a target
Many people cannot afford to strike
Many people cannot afford to not strike. Thousands of workers whose jobs depend on federal funding are uncertain about their livelihood. The coming rise in prices due to tariff nonsense will devastate working-class families.
Those people cannot afford not to strike
I tried organizing a board game night with 4 people. Literally impossible.
The most difficult part of every Dungeons and Dragons campaign is getting five working adults in the same room at the same time.
"getting"? It's a basic democratic right?.... You are a democracy, right? You bombed all those countries in the name of it...
Our true power comes from mitochondria which is the power house of the cell. In this house we respect biology.
And when the mitochondria rebel against the tyranny of the nucleus?
OP is not wrong, but both are important.
If the billionaires were not concerned by the potential threat to their existence posed by democracy, they would not feel so motivated to destroy it.
Democratic government is among the most powerful tools that can be wielded by the working class against the capitalists.
I would like to know what this mythical democratic government exists alongside capitalism. As long as we have a society that's dominated by capitalism and capitalists, there is no such thing as a democratic representative government.
I know this is just splitting hairs but for brief periods of time democratic principles did coexist with a capitalist system. For example, the post-WWII economic and civil rights booms existed inside of a capitalist system. It's just that they can't coexist for very long because they're based on competing ideologies. Plus if it takes a world war to accomplish a brief respite in the class struggle it's a very costly coexistence.
No it didnt lmao
Same reason they freaked the fuck out when we all had to shelter at home because of COVID. Didn't last long because they needed meat for the grinder and forced a lot of back to work regardless of the risks.
And only callex those essential workers heros while not doing anything that would actually help them. Like increasing pay or protections
Ask any patient at a VA hospital. If the US calls you a hero, stop whatever you're doing and run away. Do not walk. Do not stop to help others. Get out of whatever situation they are calling you a hero for being in. They are doing that as a means of absolving themselves of responsibility towards you.
Americans don't really do anything as recent times have proven. They just kind of sit there on their phones are their country gets overthrown.
There aren’t enough Pinkertons and cops to make everyone go back to work.
Cyrus is the One, man.
Even if there were, I'd refuse.
My strike started a year ago. No longer unemployed. I'm on hiatus and on strike. Work doesn't even seem worth it anymore.
They're not mutually exclusive, do both