I once saw someone read a Metallica song to their kid as a bedtime story.
My school had me read it when I was a kid.
Oh gosh there's a misunderstanding here. I'm not asking for more political violence. I'm merely offering what I've observed and learned about this stuff. The time cycle is unpredictable but if conditions get worse then it's a shorter cycle.
Isn't there a very famous children's story about a pig that is more equal than the other pigs?
That's the point of the Department of Labor. Nobody wants to work for less pay and no benefits. Corporations can force migrants to work for less than minimum wage, no benefits, and live in overcrowded housing on site because if the migrants complain too much then the corporation just calls ICE.
And at the end of the day if corporations are too powerful and keeping wages down then we can pass a higher minimum wage. But imagine if all those ICE agents were doing spot checks on employers for pay and safety issues. Where we put our resources matters and chasing metaphorical gophers has very quick diminishing returns.
And that's all without the macro economic point of view that points out having more consumers in your country means more economic activity which means more jobs.
Oh that's just the rhetoric. It'll never be a State. That would give it protection from the corporations. It'll be a territory with federal laws forcing them to allow corporations to mine and log anything the corporations desire.
That's not going to work. You're asking them to abandon their homes, family, friend networks, and be banned from ever returning.
Conservatives characterize immigrants as poor people who haven't been here long and are a burden on our systems. The truth is almost exactly the opposite. The vast majority of the 11 million people here illegally have been here for years, if not decades. They are productive, they pay taxes, and commit crimes at a lower rate than citizens.
The answer is to stop worrying about "economic" migrants. Deport immigrants with DUIs and violent or financial felony convictions. Beef up the department of labor and go after companies paying people less than minimum wage. Then it's not a matter of jobs or services or crime. The only thing left is xenophobia.
Murdoch has news outlets in most of the world.
That's not quite right in my opinion. Think of kids on the playground.
You do it
No you do it!
They're amping themselves up. Because they're adults, and not talking about poking a bug with a stick, it will most likely stay that way until someone in that group is badly affected by the system. Or until someone provides leadership.
Either way it's trending towards violence.
Yeah, that's the beginnings of people deciding government isn't going to help them and they have to deal with this on their own. It should be scary as fuck because, especially under Trump, it's going to lead to escalations in the security state which will only lead to escalations from the people.
It's going to get worse before it gets better.
Your problem isn't with the migrant. It's with the government tolerating low wages and union breaking. It's with corporations that take advantage of people. We can change that though because this is still our country.
At the end of the day it's not a story of two groups, it's a story of what we're willing to tolerate. Because there's only 11 million undocumented immigrants in a country of about 200 million working adults. That fraction of the working age population isn't depressing anything. Then, about promotion, migrants want to get promoted too. But the reality is a large minority will work in minimum wage their entire lives. That's why we need regulations to make that better. And why it shouldn't matter that immigrants are there too. The minimum standard of living shouldn't be something people get threatened with.
Calling me an ivory tower person is also just a way to dismiss facts.