They never care until it happens to them.
It’s proven time and time again that it doesn’t matter if they’re doing it. Hypocrisy isn’t a word in their dictionary.
Your care is limited to Thoughts and Prayers.
But not money or action.
Because actual fanfics are done by people that love the source material and wish to remain true to it.
Expanded works are done by people who want to: make changes for the sake of their own “artistic” originality, do what they think will make people watch it (doesn’t mean it has to be good), which are both tied to studio execs all wanting to push their pet version of whatever the product will be based on budget or ego.
I’ve held this position for a long time. Guns are designed to kill. They are they threat of death even if the trigger isn’t pulled. They are there to force compliance with the bearer, for good or for ill. Even as a “tool” to put food on the table, they kill the thing that is to be food.
That said, I don’t have too much problem with guns. I have major problems with those who own them, make them, or turn them into part of identity politics.
They are exploited for profit and control, and the mulish obstinacy of gun owners in general is in part their enslavement to identity politics and those that profit from it - the politicians looking for election and money in the pockets of the manufacturers and supporting lobbies. Guns have become fashion accessories for the owners, and are often treated with similar gravity. Gun owners feed guns to criminals because of lax storage security on the owner’s part - just leave them in the car or closet unsecured - and they get stolen, used in crimes, for which they gun nuts “need” to buy more guns to leave laying about for instant access and which can be stolen. Nearly 80% of guns used in crimes are taken without permission or stolen from owners.
And the worst part are the killing sprees, workplace or schools, where gun owners just distance themselves so that the rest of society can be the victims of their refusal to regulate their hobby.
Guns can be safely kept in a society. There are plenty of countries that manage it. In this context I’m going to use this line: “Guns don’t kill people, people do”….and the people doing the killing are the owners that refuse to deal with regulating and securing guns.
If this administration dgaf about the rules thar should have prevented them from operating in such a manner what are the odds that they’ll give a damn about a suit and not just let it die in the courts? Especially seeing as that even were a suit to win, trump et al would just ignore it. We’re at the point that direct action is the only action that will stop this takeover.
What a petty POS.
I note your argument extends no further than the election results - the same election that was being panned as “rigged” or unfair…until trump won.
Yep. The recycling of profundity.
Difference is that Koresh was actually a leader. A completely fucked up human being that did shitty things, but a leader. Trump is no leader. He’s selfish, self-aggrandizing, egotistical, narcissistic, and incapable of planning anything other than what revolves around his myopic and selfish views.
The most dangerous thing is that he believes himself untouchable. The only interest he operates in is his own.