He's the pimple on my ass.
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Trump and all his legions are unwiped assholes.
MAGA voters couldn't identify a pronoun in high school. How are they supposed to figure it out now?
They could read the Bible: I am he
Doesn't go far enough, remove pronouns from the email body too.
To it may concern. Notice did not complete task before deadline. Please can provide update? Look forward to reply.
You used it
Someone's about to get fired...
Small government regulating pronouns in worker's email signatures.
Regulations For Thee but Not for Me
For the life of me, I can't understand why they care about someone's sexual orientation or their pronoun.
I ran the numbers on sex changes and it's like .001 of the population. It's a non-issue.
The real issues are homelessness, inequality, Internet privacy, poisons in our food and workers' rights..
Not fucking pronouns.
Two core reasons:
- Demonization. They need someone to demonize, that distracts voters and the general populace away from their own misdeeds, and lack of functional policy. If you're too busy getting angry at the trans people, you won't strike against the Billionaires.
- Insecurity. If the world isn't actually as simple as you thought, your entire ideology is based on putting people into given labels and boxes to make your life easier, idealizing a nonexistent past, etc, then the world changing in any non-standard way is seen as something to be extremely afraid of. This is also what drives their concerns over immigrants ("replacing" their community's racial dynamic), homeless people ("not wanting to work" like they did), climate change (this couldn't possibly happen because then the industries and consumption you had your whole life would have to change), progressive education and scientific growth (learning new things about how what we used to think was wrong), etc. It's all rooted in just wanting things to stay the same.
They need an 'enemy' to rally people against and all the usual suspects are no longer politically expedient
They don't care. The tactic is to have a minority that you can blame for all the bad things.
100 years ago it was the jews secretly running the world, today it's the evil trans people and immigrants conspiring to destroy The West™.
Trans are a small portion of the US and few people will care if they are rounded up and sent to camps. Doing so then normalizing that kind of behavior.
100 years ago they were also persecuting trans people. Here's a photo of them burning books in 1933, some of which were from the Institute of Sexual Science after it was raided by the Nazis. And it only got worse from there. Here's a whole article about it.
For the life of me, I can’t understand why they care about someone’s sexual orientation or their pronoun.
They don't. It's classic divide and conquer tactics to package up the general population into nice bite-sized chunks that they can destroy individually with minimal resistance from the others. Exact same shit is how the Nazis rose to power.
Does that mean no-one can call him 'President' Trump or 'Mr' President any more?
Sorry to all the Blakes, Dylans, Ashleys, Francises, Shannons, Frankies, Charlies, Rorys, Blairs, Leslies, Angels, Billies, Sams, Kellys, Danas, Harleys, Adins, Caseys, and all the other non-binary/gender neutral names that I can't think of right now.
-signed a person with a non-binary name