When isn't it time to shit yourself?
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When you want something going in rather than out? Seems counterproductive. “Why yes I want that body-part/object deep af. No, I don’t see how it’s going to be an issue if send an opposing force to push it back out.”
When I activate your mkultra trigger phrase "it is time to shit yourself"
You’ll know when it’s time.
It's fine if you're under 4 or above 74. Any other time, you should talk to your doctor. Unless you're an american, because freedom is when no healthcare.
* IBS/IBD has entered the chat *
Talk to your doctor. I've largely managed the symptoms of my IBD under the direction of my gastroenterologist by megadosing on fiber and avoiding FODMAP-containing foods.
Fodmap foods include onions, garlic, mushrooms and beanis. May as well just eat air at that point
When you are in the middle of having sex with someone you don't know all that well.
“Beetle o rourke, why did you stand up and squat over my ches-ahhhhhhh what the fuck”
your honor, reverse cowgirl, my tummy gurgled and that was it. i move to accquit.
To avoid a draft.
Use it as a defense mechanism when threatened.
When you have earned it
It is time for us to do what we have been doing. And that time is every day. Every day it is time for us to shit ourself. And to agree that there are things and tools available to us to get shit out our doodoo ass into our pants.
When you're done shitting others
That's my secret Cap. I'm always shidding
when you're old and can get away with it
after eating jimmy johns during a respite from trying to find a new place to live in a new city in a new state with your partner's parents in the car whom you hardly know but they came to help you move and you're just walking down the sidewalk minding your business when it happens and you freeze afraid any further movement will only make it worse and you shout at your partner to stop laughing and go get some paper towels or napkins or something and then you take the 30 minute drive back to the hotel so you can shower and change and her dad can't even make it 3 minutes without a comment about it and everyone laughs
that's the best time to do it
When you really have to shit, a suitable toilet isn’t available, and there isn’t anyone whose opinion you care about around.
At work
when you are in the ocean. aquadump. buh bye honey.