Confidently Incorrect
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OMB defines "Hispanic or Latino" as a person of Cuban, Mexican, Puerto Rican, South or Central American, or other Spanish culture or origin (also known as ethnicity).
If your family isn’t Latino and you don’t have live in a Spanish culture, you’re not Latino. You’re certainly not Latino because you “love hard”.
Hispanic is if you come from a country of spanish descent. Latino is if you come from a Latin American country. People from Brazil are latinos but not hispanic.
The Dominican Republic speaks Spanish but is not part of latin America. If you count them as part of latin America then so is Haiti but they don't speak Spanish. Cultures and languages are complicated.
Idk just trying to breakdown that definition that was provided because it's lumping two cultures into one group kind of how some Americans will see all brown people as just mexicans. Why did you respond to me when I responded to some one else?
Half of my family is spanish speaking. My mom grew up bilingual, speaking Spanish at home with my grandma. I lived in Spanish-speaking countries in my twenties for a while and learned to speak spanish myself.
…I still never ever call myself Latino because I grew up in whitesville as a white kid. It never even occurred to me until I was older that I might technically be considered Latino. It just never really came up. The most I ever say is literally what I said in the first sentence. I really feel like deciding later in life to identify as Latino would be some weird kind of appropriation. I don’t look Latino, I didn’t experience anything like a Latino outside of visiting my family and being surrounded by Latinos.
I’ve come across people in very similar situations to me, who do identify as Latin and they explained to me that they decided later in life to start saying it. It just feels…wrong to me. Can you find out after living a super white existence that you may “get to” qualify as a minority group (in the context of living in the US, that is.) while having none of the lived experience of being of that i identity group?
I say no.
I have a similar experience to you. I’m British with an Irish father and a half-Iranian mother. I’m still British because I was born and live in the UK. My cousins would piss themselves laughing if I suddenly declared I was Irish!
Yep. My father was British. I was born in the U.S. I don't call myself British or English. That's stupid. I could even get citizenship if I wanted, but if I did, the closest I would come to calling myself British would be 'British subject.' I'm American. Unless I do a fake accent, that's quite clear.
“British subject” sounds very American! “Having British citizenship” sounds more, well, British. And I think you automatically have British citizenship because your dad was English. But don’t hold me to it.
I was reading it wrong ... You are not latina because you love hard.
Thanks for your definition. Hispanic is someone with spanish culture. That was my point.
Hey, at least you were confidently incorrect 😉
I followed the link you used:
I thought the OP was ridiculous but apparently, if they genuinely identify with the culture then she might technically be correct.
I think it’s saying that as the census is self reported, she can identify herself as Latino even if it doesn’t reflect societal definitions of race and ethnicity. Not that she’d be correct to do so.
Think of Rachel Dolezal.
It's more complicated than that. Latinos in the US also have Native American blood (usually South American). They have a terrible history of persecution. Someone who's from Spain isn't "Latino".
No, they are Hispanic. Spain is a Latin country however, like Portugal, France, Italy, Romania and a couple of other small European countries.
So the definition of what "Latino" is comes from... the US institutions?
The person in the tweet is American so I used the American census definition. I’m pretty confident any reputable source doesn’t count “loving hard” as a valid reason to identify as Latino.
The Middle East gets overlooked in the UK too. My dad is Irish, my mum is half Iranian and half English. She usually ends up ticking the “mixed - other” box. I can’t recall if the UK even has an “hispanic” option.
In the UK? My favourite restaurant is an independent Spanish tapas bar! It’s only a 15 minute walk away so I eat there more than my waistline would like! Isn’t there a tapas chain in the UK too? I can’t think of the name now. But yes, I wish there were more!
? What is hispanic food if not food from Spain?
Condescending much? A large part of this thread is discussing the difference between Latino (from the Latin American region) and Hispanic (of Spanish decent). Americans might use the word interchangeably, but not in Europe. Spanish cuisine is not the same as LatAm cuisine. It is influenced by it, but it’s not the same.
A very obvious example is a “tortilla”. In Spain it is an omelet made with a base of potato, egg and onion. In LatAm a tortilla is a corn bread used to make tacos, fajitas, quesadillas, burritos etc. None of the latter are considered Spanish cuisine.
The Mediterranean sea is a huge influence on hispanic food; seafood and shellfish dominates the south. Paella is Spain’s national dish, pescaito frito and calamari and are very common. Cured meats, olives, aubergine and tomatoes are also staples.
Tequila, mescal, “frijoles” (literally not a word a Spanish person would use) avocado, chilli, and stewed meats are all much more common in LatAm than they are in Spain. LatAm food tends to be spicer, relying on peppers and chilli powder whereas Spanish food is more about the aroma than spice; saffron is used commonly. LatAm food is heavy on the coriander where it grows more easily. It’s only used sparingly in Spain.
As to your Britain has no good LatAm food statement, we do, at least in the big cities we do. Right now I’m within half an hour of restaurants specialising in Argentinian, Peruvian, Mexican, Chilean and Cuban food - as well as Spanish and Portuguese. And that’s proper restaurants, not just American style drive-thru take outs. Theres a whole bunch of chain restaurants here too; las iguanas, chiquito, wahaca, chipotle, tortilla etc.
Obviously the "loving hard" part is dumb, but I hope you see the irony on posting this tweet and then citing for the definition of "Latino" a website from a US institution
I think I quite clearly explained why I used the American definition for this American.
The link to the site is in my comment. You can find out for yourself what the OMBs current definition is, that’s if this is a genuine question and not asked in bad faith.
I've got some notions about which of those is likely true.
Me too, but I’ll give the benefit of the doubt once. The user has had their warning, they will be immediately banned if they break the community rules.
Judging by the amount of xenophobic shit I had to read today, I’d argue Russian trolls have finally arrived.
I’m afraid I’ve interacted with the two users skirting dangerously close to rules before - they appear to be real people. It might be tempting to blame bots and foreign interference but there’s plenty of “normal” people who either believe the crap they come out with, or just really like shit-stirring.
I think I’m fairly strict here though, it doesn’t matter if you’re a Russian bot or American basement dweller, you get one warning before a permanent ban. I’m open to feedback and suggestions on how this community it run though.
I guess it’s hard to differentiate, judging by how Russian trolls managed to set two groups against each other in Texas by founding them both on Facebook.
I don’t know how accurate I’d be at identifying a bot just from reading a single post tbh. That’s why I send a message along with the warning. It’s 50/50 whether I get called a bitch or told why my rules are wrong, but I assume a bot wouldn’t reply or would sound a bit “off”. It’s only gonna get harder to tell unfortunately.