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Was it like your great grandparents? Arrive at Elis Island, read "Give me your tired, your poor, your huddled masses yearning to breathe free." On the statue of Liberty. Arrive without a passport or drivers license. Get your name shortened and welcome to America? Or are you 100 percent native American?
Native Americans? Tell me, what happened to them when millions of immigrants came?
The ones with superior technology and firepower? Well the immigrants that came made contracts and treaties with them. Then they continued to break them. Your statement doesn't make you the good guy in our current situation it makes you scared and weak.
If they arrived at elis island they immigrated here legally.
Lol whatever dude it's not like the boat came anywhere else... from Europe. Enjoy being a numbered sheep in the USA such freedom and least you can make some other guy rich such opportunity.
I have enjoyed being a "numbered sheep" thanks for asking. I have a nice house, cars & wonderful family, I'm living the American dream. Hopefully you can find enjoyment from life too.
Wow I'm so proud of you. I hope that your grandchildren and great-grandchildren also enjoy your enjoyment of life and enjoying things you own. Enjoy your dream I hope it lasts long and is enjoyable.
So Europe bad? That's kind of racist.
Europe is awesome.