$150 PS1-inspired console runs PlayStation games natively — supports PS1 memory cards, controllers
Vintage gaming community.
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Can't you buy a legit PS1 for less than $150?
Yes, but that’s kind of missing the point. This is a full FPGA system so not only will it upscale and look great on a 4K TV (good luck doing that with a legit PS1), it can also run any other system you can find a core for.
I mean, these are cute, but let's not get crazy, you can do all of that with a trash PC or a Raspberry Pi, too.
This thing is ultimately just a MiSTer Pi with a SNAC adaptor, as far as I can tell. All the usual caveats about cost/benefit when buying into FPGA hardware emulation apply. It's probably more interesting of a purchase if you have a CRT you want to use with emulation than if you care about using a 4K flat TV.
But hey, it looks nice and it's way cheaper than the DE-10 Nano-based OG MiSTer setups, so... I'm not saying it sucks, just that it should be put in perspective.
I'm not super clear if it will run all cores out of the box, though. I assume so? The announcement is a bit light on detail beyond PSOne support.
EDIT: Never mind, it's buried in the middle of the promo page, but it's there:
Yes. PlayStation One's can be had for £25 here.
You realize this has a lot more features than original PS1 hardware, right?
That wasn't the question.
Sure but what’s the point of feeding a question that is basically irrelevant to the post. This isn’t about a stock PS1. Of course you can get one cheaper and it can’t do a fraction of what this can.
You can get a MiSTer FPGA DE-10 setup for a touch more. Bascially all these consoles are just limited FPGA's
Looks like it might not be so limited.
I did skim through to see if it did I missed it. For the price this delivers better value then consider my opinion reversed
And those actually have a disc drive.