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Credit for the iconic banner --> https://joelgoodman.net

founded 1 year ago

A UK-centric gateway into the Fediverse.


Not as many submissions this time as for the summer banner competition, so I am including a couple of my own as well.

So, please upvote your favourite from the comments below.

The winner will be the one with the most votes by 10:00pm (BST) on Sunday 22nd. In the event of a tie, I will flip a coin or similar.

Feet Pics (i.imgur.com)
submitted 18 minutes ago by edwild22@lemmy.world to c/funny@lemmy.world

„Zu Fuß zum Einkaufen, zur Schule oder zum Arzt: Die wichtigsten Dienste fürs tägliche Leben sollten innerhalb von 15 Minuten von der eigenen Wohnung erreichbar sein. Paris kommt diesem Ideal ziemlich nahe, für über 90 % der Einwohner des Großraums der französischen Hauptstadt ist die Bedingung erfüllt. Weltweit sind die meisten Stadtbewohner davon jedoch weit entfernt. Den Gegenentwurf einer am Auto orientierten Planung verkörpern US-Städte wie Atlanta am stärksten.

(...) Das Werk von Stadtplanern erleichtern soll ein von Bruno und Kollegen entwickeltes Analysewerkzeug, das die Forscher als »Universalmodell« für die 15-Minuten-Stadt vorstellen. Auf einer Onlineplattform haben sie für rund 10.000 Städte weltweit erfasst, wie viele Minuten die Bewohner zu Fuß oder per Rad im Durchschnitt zu den nächstgelegenen Zielen in neun Kategorien wie Essen, Sport oder Kultur benötigen. Die Werte lassen sich auf der Karte sowohl in kleinen Waben für einzelne Wohngebiete als auch für die Stadt insgesamt ablesen, gewichtet nach Bevölkerungsdichte in den einzelnen Waben. Blaue Schattierungen stehen für Nähe unter 15 Minuten Fußweg, rote für größere Distanzen. “


The worst is when you wipe out in the barrel and you're trapped for several million years until erosion frees you.


submitted 42 minutes ago* (last edited 38 minutes ago) by webghost0101@sopuli.xyz to c/photography@lemmy.world

Send to me by someone i know. They are not really into photography but they know i am a bit. I have permission to post it. Made using iphone se


While the much lower fuel cost has to be a bit of a shocker (we all know EVs are more efficient and cheaper to operate, but not 95% cheaper), the bigger surprise has to be how much more convenient the electric boat was in a certain key way. “We actually had range anxiety, but not for the Candela. The irony is that the photographer’s gasoline-powered chase boat had to refuel six times during the trip, while we only charged three times,” said Gustav Hasselskog.


Welcome back to another update. Some short housekeeping notes: Last Week in Fediverse will now release every Wednesday. Furthermore, I’ve split all news about Bluesky and the ATmosphere into it’s own separate newsletter, Last Week in the ATmosphere. I originally wanted to keep them together, but the newsletters were simply getting too big, so it was time to split them. Lots of news this week with FediForum, a Fediverse Discovery Project, and mozilla.social shutting down, so lets dive in.

submitted 21 minutes ago* (last edited 18 minutes ago) by ChaoticNeutralCzech@lemmy.one to c/morphmoe@ani.social

Artist: Onion-Oni aka TenTh from Random-tan Studio
Original post: #Humanization 18 on Tapas (warning: JS-heavy site)

Upscaled by waifu2x (model: upconv_7_anime_style_art_rgb). Original

Finally, a MorphMoe waifu where I would figure out what the reference was.


"Und wieder gibt es die gleichen Schlagzeilen: Starkregen. Dramatische-Hochwasser-Lage. Noch nie erlebte Ausnahmesituation. Wie viele Naturkatastrophen muss es noch geben, bis die Politik endlich angemessen gegen den Klimawandel vorgeht?"


I know how to do it in the battery section through the GUI, but I'd like to set it up through a command, for automation purposes, and particularly for KDE Connect commands.


Eternal Darkness is a game for the GameCube and was the first Nintendo published game to receive a Mature rating by the ESRB. If you play the game today, I think most will agree that that rating was a bit too much. But the damage was already done, the game didn't sell enough copies and was a commercial failure. A decade later, two attempts by the game director to finance a successor via kickstarter failed, so it seems the game is as cursed as its protagonists.

But why do I recommend it here to you?

Because it has a great story and atmosphere (two big criteria for me in games) and it also has a fascinating (but sadly underused) magic system. The magic system is based on runes, which you can freely combine to try and cast a spell. You will also find translations of a rune and the recipes for spells, but in principle you could cast every spell if you have access to the runes and want to try things. The runes correspond to either a verb or a noun. If you combine Protect with Self, you will cast a shield on you. If you instead combine Protect with Area, you will place an enemy damaging area on the ground. Sadly they did not utilize this magic system to do many interesting things, as you can only combine one verb with one noun and that's it. You will find greater magic circles where you can put in more runes and in principle could cast more complex spells. But alas, they only allow you to put more Pargon runes, which just increase the power of the normal spell. Since every rune is voiced after you cast a spell, I think the last memory of my dying brain will be pargon, pargon, pargon...

The game is horror themed but doesn't include jump scares (with one exception), but instead tries to unnerve the player via sanity effects, as befits its name. Sanity is one of the resources next to health and mana and when it gets low, the chance increases that something will happen, maybe while changing the rooms you will enter an upside down room or your controls will be mirrored. They even included some meta fourth wall breaking stuff like decreasing sound. But nowadays those will not work on you any longer, as the interface looks different today. But still, the goal was to fuck with the players mind and that they achieved. You often question yourself while playing: is that real or not? Which is a masterfully done mechanic for a cosmic horror game.

And did I mention that they patented this and thereby hindered other developers from doing fun stuff like that? Maybe it was deserved karma that the game failed...

But now onto the story and atmosphere: in the game you don't fight against a cosmic horror, but instead three. They each keep one other in balance, so that no one can get the upper hand without being overpowered by the third one. But there are plans in motion to topple this delicate balance. And you are only able to interfere with these plans, because you are the pawn of anotger ancient one yourself. The binding element throughout the story is the Tome of Eternal Darkness, which binds the wearer to it in a nice little ritual with a floor of eternal damned souls and architecture made of bones, oh and did I mention the suspiciously agonized looking statues of the former hosts? Oh and did I mention that the book is bound in human leather and bones? Yeah, your patron isn't exactly nice either. Armed with this good book you fight and puzzle your way through different places around the world which you visit multiple times at different epochs from antiquity to our modern era.

This cosmic horror atmosphere of never really being totally in control is in my opinion wonderfully captured in this game. And due to time shenanigans, it is also made clear, that the power scale is so far outside of humans reach, that cosmic horror insanity is the only sane response.

The controls aren't exactly the strength of the game, but it is functional after getting used to them. If you want to play it nowadays, emulation is probably the easiest way to do that. I used that and was glad for the additional save states and higher resolution.

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