
joined 1 year ago
[–] 2 points 1 week ago

I feared as much.

It is getting late over here, so thanks for the great discussion!

Amd I wish you good look in a few weeks. Feeling with you over there

[–] 2 points 1 week ago (2 children)

I see your point. But that is such a toxic environment, and as you mentioned this can be observed from a far, that I would assume many prefer to stay under the radar to be able to at least something and not thrown under the bus by other Republicans.

Having more parties solves this part of the issue. And if the MAGA party or the Republicans end up with more votes is a completely different thing. And a thing I am scared to think about

[–] 2 points 1 week ago (4 children)

Exactly. And there comes in the issue: if you want to vote conservative you have to take the far right bullshit. There is no in between. There is no "conservative without that nazi bullshit". So, if they could separate bit still have some power in the sense of seats in the parliaments, would that impact the political landscape?

[–] 1 points 1 week ago (6 children)

Anyway, the US is stuck with American voters. So I'm glad our election system enforces patience.

I take that ;)

But srsly, it is not voters or voting system. It is both.

Imagine there would be a MAGA party with equal chances like the Reps, how would that change the policies of those parties? And would this influence the voters behavior? That is not a rethoric question, it is a thought play. I, as an outsider, would assume that the extreme right wingers would unite under the MAGA flag and their policies would adapt accordingly while the Republicans would go back to their kind of normal.

[–] 1 points 1 week ago

Thanks. That was my rough assumption. And that worries me. While I am not a US citizen, the USA have such immense power that yout politics affect people around the world. From privacy and data protection to the simple fact if we leave in peace or in war.

I understand it is a big issue. And I hope you find a way to change that.

[–] 1 points 1 week ago (8 children)

He got abortion rights overthrown, handled the pandemic so badly, that the rest of the world laughed at the US, and got himself and his family richer by talking money and presents from foreign powers.

Your argument boils down to: in the US political system it is hard to change anything and therefore we are protected from "worse"? Does this argument still stand with the supreme court ruling about presidential immunity and trumps statements about dictator on day one or "you never have to vote again"? Project 25?

So, in my country we are moving towards a livable feature for citizens, in your country you are stuck with a system that only benefits the wealthy. And every approach that could change that will be undermjnedby right wing lunatics and their donors.

[–] 0 points 1 week ago (10 children)

In the US the fucking right wing has 50% in the polls. What are you talking about?

~50% of the people ate voting for a lying, narcissistic Nazi. One of your supreme courts justices took "presents " from someone who has a hitler singed version of "Mein Kampf" in his possession. Right besides ohter Nazi memorabilia.

And your concern is, that it would be easier for a right wing minority to gain power? You have a right wing majority.

We ate shoked over here in Germany that our far right has more then 20% in election results. Your far right has 50% and one of your presidential candidates represents them.

[–] 2 points 1 week ago

I can understand that

[–] 1 points 1 week ago (12 children)

I am living in a multi party country. I am experiencing the hurdles and the benefits of it every single day. Coalitions have to be formed to get the majority, smaller parties getting influence because of it.

We are getting stuff like increased minimum wage, social benefits, legalizing cannabis, and more. And not because the senior partner in the coalition wants it. Because of the junior partners. They are required to form a majority, so they can state their terms also.

And yes, some countries with more then two parties in the parliament are failing. What about the US?

Got some universal Healthcare yet? A livable minimum wage for everyone including waiters?

Effective countermeasures to climate change?

No? See, also failing. And that lies in the nature of countries. Sometimes they fail.

[–] 1 points 1 week ago (14 children)

I see the issue with a president. But most legislation comes out of the Senate. Having more then two parties represented there forces compromises. And the wishes of more people have to be considered the get the required majority.

And if the congress is more diverse, the president looses some powers, as he can not rely on having the majority at least for two years of his presidency. He also would have to compromise all the time.

Just admit it, your system is broken.

[–] -3 points 1 week ago* (last edited 1 week ago) (4 children)

And that is an issue how? Are you trying to say that the USA will be stuck with a legal framework from the 1800? For all eternity?

EDIT I like that. Downvoting is fine, but maybe explain why? Srsly I am very invested in politics, doesn't matter if European or US. So, if I am wrong on a factual basis, tell me.

[–] -3 points 1 week ago* (last edited 1 week ago) (23 children)

That is just bullshit. While your president is powerful, a lot of the power of government resides within the parliament itself.

As long as US media calls candidates of other parties as "independents" your political system stais a fucked up mono party system.

To change the Satus quo, laws must put in place, like in other countries that force media to represent all parties.

In addition you have to stop with this excessive money dependent political campaigns.

Those are gatekeeping tactics designed to keep the power in the hands of the two major parties.

There is no reason why your system could not work with more competitors.

edit: also, using a voting mechanism that was good in times before telegraph, telephone and internet makes it nearly impossible for smaller parties to get anything out of an election.

There is no reason not to use the popular vote. None!


Hi all,

I am trying to go vegan since quite some time. But this is harder for me then first thought.

I am looking for any advice and maybe some had the same hurdles and can give some tips and tricks.

There are two major issues for me currently:

  • I am on the spectrum. Major changes cause me stress.
  • I have to control my B12 input for medical reasons.

The last one is complicated bit I am certain there are good guides out there, maybe someone has one?

The first one on the other side seems unsolvable to me. While I am down to one non-vegan meal in a week, replacing the last one leads into the stress cycle again.

I also tried replacing my stress snacks, for example mixing them with other snacks, and "phase them out", it did not work till now.

So, either I have to find a way to replace my snacks, or get rid of the last non-vegan meal.

Any advice is welcome, giving up is not an option.


ich_iel (
submitted 5 months ago* (last edited 5 months ago) by to c/

wenn ich "Söder" höre


Hey Leute,

nachdem wir nun endlich die Teil-Legalisierung durch ist und es sich langsam real anfühlt möchte ich ein riesiges DANKE sagen.

Danke, an alle die Jahrzente lang, und viel länger als ich, dafür gekämpft haben.

Danke, an unsere Ampel die das Thema tatsächlich ernst nimmt.

Danke, an die Landesregierungen die sich das noch mal überlegt haben.

2010 und 2014 war ich einer der Petenten für die Cannabis Legalisierung. 2015 habe ich zusammen mit anderen die Ablehnungsbegründung des Petitionssauschusses zu den vorherigen Cannabis Petitionen verwendet, und die Argumente auf Alkohol umgemünzt, um das Verbot von Alkohol zu fordern. Natürlich wurde diese Petition ebenfalls abgelehnt. Aber ich möchte euch ein Zitat aus dieser Ablehnung nicht vorenthalten:

Außerdem sieht sich der Gesetzgeber, auf Grund der kulturellen Verbreitung von Alkohol, nicht in der Lage den Konsum effektiv zu unterbinden.

In den letzten Jahren schwand die Hoffnung, das ich in einem Land leben werde, in dem ich Kiffen kann ohne strafrechtlich verfolgt zu werden.

Und doch, heute stehen wir an diesem Punkt.

Möglich wurde dies durch eine Vielzahl von Faktoren. Die wichtigsten für mich sind:

  • die vielen jungen Menschen die sich politisch engagieren. Die Einflussnahme der Jugendorganisationen auf ihre Mutter Parteien hat sehr viel dazu beigetragen
  • Die vielen Aktivisten die Außerhalb der Politik für die Legalisierung gekämpft haben (Grüße gehen raus an Richter Müller)
  • Ein Gesundheitsminister der Fakten-Basiert handelt und nicht aus politischem Kalkül oder Populismus

Ich wünsche euch allen schon mal einen sehr fröhlichen 01.04.2024 und bitte, hört nicht auf zu kämpfen. Wir brauchen die zweiten Säule, und natürlich die komplette Freigabe sobald die Versuchsprojekte erfolgreich waren.

Dazu gehört natürlich auch das CDU, CSU und AfD nicht an die Macht kommen dürfen. Sonst wird daraus garantiert nichts.

Geht wählen! Wählt Parteien die uns unterstützen werden, und schaut euch genau an was da die angeblich Christlichen Parteien so abziehen.

So Long, Loki


Am i to late for the stock photo memes?


cross-posted from:

Hey all,

i want to hack a portable AC. The devices communicates via UART between Mainboard and control unit (LCD and Buttons). As we still want to use the original controls, i had the idea to put an ESP32 in the middle of the communication (using UART2 for the mainboard and UART3 for the control board).

I don't want to reverse engineer the whole protocol, only the relevant parts. So, i need a way to forward all messages in both directions, to make this work as it should.

Has anybody done such a thing already? Or has any tips how to do it.

I'm fluent in C++, so there is not barrier here, but i am new to the codebase of ESPHome

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