I mean, the optical fingerprint sensors they've been using on the Pixels are absolutely garbage, so I will never use this feature.
No no, it's move fast and break things, silly. ☺️
In the UK at least there's a persistent cost-of-living battle being fought, so we're not spending as much as we were, and large game production has reached a tipping point where the number of purchasers aren't growing but costs are increasing, so: studios contract; or games are taking longer to make; or games are made with a smaller scope. So basically, there's less to upgrade your console for.
I mean, for me personally, everytime I think of upgrading from a Series S I find it hard to justify because most games run quite well.
I worked with Perl for years, and I don't recommend it for a beginner. There are just too many idiosyncrasies that belong specifically to the language that you'd be better off with Python for learning the basics.
I'm also not really sold on that book, which from the code samples looks really old. I'd recommend two books: Modern Perl and Perl Best Practices.
Edit: I'd also recommend working in Go but potentially the way i/o intersects with interfaces makes it a bit more challenging.
I think defederation should be used as a last resort - specifically, I'm talking about an influx of tankies breaking feddit.uk's code of conduct. I think actions supporting a protest of lemmy.ml should be left to the individual, as to whether they want to continue participating in those communities. Ideally, the communities move themselves to a different instance that's less politicised, but that's not the world we currently live in.
All sounds pretty sensible. I do think it might feel annoying waiting minutes to download a model for the sake of generating a line of alt text the first time, though. It would probably be quicker to write the alt text.
Nationalise the lot of them. They had their chance.
As soon as I heard about the £200K donation he accepted from the man convicted of environmental offenses, I knew he was dodgy.
Maybe I woke up more cynical this morning, but...
Hoping to save her job, much?
It also didn't release as a physical copy. New digital releases in the UK at least are always pretty expensive, whereas with physical copies there's at least a chance of a small discount from a retailer.
More or less. Either Excalidraw for your quick and dirty diagrams or I've used PlantUML + C4 Plug-in for your larger, more long lived diagrams with some success.
I don't have any experience with the hard stuff but I just wanted to say well done for writing this post, which probably wasn't easy. I think it can be really hard as a guy to reach out.
Hope you find some helpful information in this thread. 👍