
joined 1 year ago
[–] 3 points 2 months ago (1 children)

I can see it on a good day, I'm in Marlborough. Maybe a trebuchet would help?

[–] 4 points 2 months ago (3 children)

I'm too late to contribute to the census but I'd like to reserve a slice of your dessert please.


Photo Friday didn't last long (although I may have warned you that I'm terrible at sticking with things) but it's a new month and a new weekend so let's try a weekend challenge instead.

Snapshot Saturday is more about taking candid shots of everyday things, rather than hunting out the perfect shot for a particular prompt. So feel free to share a photo of something from your weekend - before and after shots of gardening progress, the shiny finish on your freshly cleaned vehicle (haha) or a good sunset.

Rules: No NSFW, no shots you didn't take yourself.

[–] 1 points 11 months ago

Excellent, it'll pair nicely with the ridiculous number of HAED patterns I'm hoarding.

[–] 2 points 11 months ago (2 children)

Thanks for this! I'm a full coverage nut but didn't know about their freebies, guess I'll be adding it to my calendar as well 🙂

[–] 2 points 11 months ago

I've sort of half watched AEW when it happens to be on it I guess it's about to become solid weekly viewing. Seeing those two back together is going to hit just right.

[–] 2 points 11 months ago

I love that idea! As for the ruler getting in the way when you get close to finishing, don't forget it's a wirebound: you can just fold the cover over to the other side and tuck it under the left side :)


I've never done cover pages before, my entries have always just run on one from the next, but I fell into the habit of doing a doodle calendar, then it expanded to two pages, then I needed to fill a blank page so the calendar would be on a single spread...

You know, the usual evolution of journaling, haha.

[–] 3 points 1 year ago (1 children)

Nice! I'm a wirebind fan - I love being able to turn the pages back over on themselves so I'm only looking at one single page, instead of a spread. Plus I have access to binders at work so I can take the bind off and print my preferred layout straight onto the pages and rebind, since I have trouble finding the kind of book I like.

Hope you enjoy the new format :)

[–] 3 points 1 year ago

I bust them every time I forget to thread one strand at a time - two just destroys them. Pinching at the narrow end helps but I ended up buying a pack of 100 and not worrying too much.

[–] 1 points 1 year ago

Don't apologise, I'm That Person in a whole host of subjects, lol. As good as that recipe looks (the photos are fantastic), I'd probably try it with chicken breast instead, only I don't know what agave syrup is or if I could find it in a kiwi supermarket.

[–] 2 points 1 year ago (4 children)

I love this idea! And someone finally found a proper use for tofu 😉

[–] 2 points 1 year ago

These are so cute!

[–] 3 points 1 year ago

I think I've been to the movies once since covid and I have no plans to go back. The tickets are too expensive to be ruined by people being on their phones or talking to each other about what happens next. If there was the option to take your own headphones in to drown out the dickheads I'd probably go back.


I really wish I knew more about this stuff, but every time I switch from Local to Subscribed Malwarebytes gives me a popup warning me that is compromised and blocked (even though I'm still seeing posts from communities there) but that's all it's telling me. Should I be avoiding that instance?


When I remember I add bits and pieces to my journal (I go through stages and then forget to collect stuff). I mostly use double-sided tape from the paint department at my local hardware store but I have a bottle of clear Elmers glue too, since I've seen that recommended quite a bit.

I used the glue to add some business cards from a local restaurant, only they were gloss cards and the glue gave out completely within a week, leaving a nice glossy expanse of nothing.

What do you use to add things to your journal? Any brand you swear by, or would avoid like the plague?


I think it was only the second time I've sat down to stitch this year so have a bit of catching up to do! Pattern is A Crazy Wonderful Owl Family by HAED.


This link popped up in my RSS feed today and it looks really promising - the writer is looking more at the how-to side of journaling than sharing pretty pictures.


A huge bucket of family drama was upended on me yesterday and when I sat down to write about it, I got all vague and glossed over it, even though I probably need to get it out somehow. I trust the people in my life not to read my journal but seemed like a risk or even a betrayal of confidence to put the words down.

Do you hold anything back, or is it all laid out bare? How did you get past the internal censor so you could write to clear your head?


Thank you for creating this community, it's good to see more hobby communities start to appear around the 'verse.

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