
joined 2 years ago
[–] 5 points 18 hours ago

So, where's the evidence of this? Anyone point me to this guy or the haters, or any data at all?

[–] 1 points 18 hours ago (5 children)

I drink 10-15 Keystones a day, no hangovers. BUT, those are spread out over the late afternoon and evening, averages maybe 1.5/hour?

Can't drink a drop without food in me, not a drop, it's just gross feeling.

I sleep long enough and drink unsweet tea and water all day, almost zero coke or anything else.

Can't touch wine or anything stronger, just can't, gets me hammered fast, leaves me feeling like crap.

[–] 6 points 19 hours ago

I seriously doubt the top brass would obey orders to invade Canada. The administration knows this as well and there will be a blitzkrieg of military firing coming very, very soon.

Not sure how that plays though, they can't go too fast without alienating the entire armed services.

[–] 9 points 20 hours ago (1 children)

You can still take it from Harvard I think?

[–] 12 points 20 hours ago (6 children)

Worth watching?

[–] 5 points 1 day ago (2 children)

You misspelled: .45ACP, 12-gauge, 5.56.

[–] 8 points 1 day ago (3 children)
[–] 2 points 1 day ago (3 children)

Companies should start us at low-ish pay and quickly ramp it up, all while weeding out the sorry employees. If you kick ass and take names, you get paid, otherwise go find something you're better at.

Watching my new boss for the first time got me thinking. The man easily does the work of two people, while tonight I expect to be standing around shooting the shit with a couple of guys who do the bare minimum.

tl;dr: Employers should compete for the best employees, thereby making everyone more money.

[–] 23 points 1 day ago (2 children)

I was born. I am so sorry y'all.

[–] 23 points 1 day ago (4 children)

The better replacement is baking soda. Mix a tablespoon in a glass of water, chug. It's gross at first, but it will annihilate heartburn.

Be warned! The reaction's byproducts are H2O and CO2, and the reaction doesn't end in your stomach. Be prepared to expel gas out one end and water out the other.

[–] 12 points 1 day ago

Also, make sure the network isn't plugged in. If Windows detects a connection you have to start all over.

[–] 2 points 1 day ago (1 children)

People complaining are people who can't afford to tip, and that's fine, but they can stop bitching on behalf of other people.


I've got 8 of these things, had them for a few years, never seen this weirdness.

Last time I charged it, it seemed fine until I turned it on. Now it's cycling through every mode; low -> high -> red -> red blinky. It's been doing this for 3 days! Had to shove it in my desk drawer because it's driving me nuts. No, it won't turn off.

Can't find any reference to this behavior. Ideas?

submitted 5 days ago* (last edited 5 days ago) by to c/

Not sure how to approach this so I'll just spew some thoughts.

Is there anything morally or legally wrong with taking pictures of MAGA-flag waving homes, looking the owners up on the local tax site and posting that information online? Pic, name, address, nothing else.

To my thoughts, they're proudly waving a flag promoting their beliefs. Could they legally complain for spreading that information? Isn't that the very purpose of a flag? Is it even doxxing when they proudly fly their flags? This isn't some person wishing to remain anonymous.

I'm certain lemmy would shut such a community down, in a New York minute, but why? If there are no calls for violence or harassment, why not help them spread their message?

Could such a site be deployed, perhaps outside social media? Zero chance of making such a site untraceable?

Got to nearly shaking in anger the other night as my legal, brown wife expressed her terror of being deported. Filipino FB is full of rumors and fear, and it seems mostly that, rumors. But we all know this administration won't stop with illegals.

I'm scared shitless, she's scared shitless, can we make the supporters scared shitless? And again, they're flying a flag, advertising to the world how they feel. Why should that make them afraid? And if they are, what can they do about it?


Anyone know the details? I'll start a new one if I can.


I know the AR buffer is a totally different system than what I'm proposing. But still, I have an old spring and weight I could try with just a little widening on the shotgun hole.

Also, I realize the hole isn't angled to kick straight back. But might I see any reduction in felt recoil?

(For those not in the know, as I wasn't last year, you can easily change the weight in the AR system. LOL, didn't know you can pop the spring with a car key! I went up to an H3 (heaviest) and it still cycles like a dream, even with crappy .223. Wasn't sure how much difference I was feeling until a friend and I compared with his stock Aero. Holy shit did his kick harder!)


Insurance at my last company was so low, I'm not certain what it cost. $50mo. I think? When I started it was $35.

Let's do math. $20 every 3-months for a copay to get the doctor to re-up my prescription, $10 for the pills, $30 total. Add in whatever my employer paid for my part over 3-months, add in the doctor's cash-price difference. You get the idea.

And I probably could have found a way to cut the prescription price in half, or less. Ideas? That company Mark Cuban started? (Looks like it's $8.23/90-days there, haven't dug in on total price.)

Just learned about direct primary care, may jump on that if my new job doesn't cover insurance, or it isn't worth it. Thoughts on that?

Obviously I'm an American. You don't know how sad that made me to type. It's humiliating.


For those that missed the original post, I quit my IT career for a part-time job at Lowe's, for 1/4 the pay. Can't afford the low pay ATM, but I think my wife and I can muddle though until I go full-time, get promoted, whatever. I want to thank ALL of you who encouraged me! Cannot say how much more sane you all made me feel.

First thing our trainer did was give me a 10% discount card and program it. "Are you married?" Made another account for my wife. No lie, first thing we did.

I worked closely with HR on my last two jobs to build and improve our onboarding process. Lowe's made me feel amateur. Let's just say it was about as slick as such a complex legal and logistical process can be. (Yes, there's far more than most people see or think about.)

The person that got us going did the job I've done in my last two roles, got new people on the right foot. Yes, even working IT, I was the first person they met and got settled with. She did pretty damned well. Got stuck watching a recorded onboarding meeting, loathed the presenter. Ever known one of those women who are all smiling teeth, while frowning at the same time, and totally fake? "Oh my gosh! What GREAT input!" Fuck me. I started first and the other 3 guys finished first because they skipped some video. Cheating bastards. :)

LOL, they had the exact rig I built for one company. Some flavor of Debian, locked in kiosk mode, Firefox, on a crappy PC. Perfect for onboarding, training and as a time clock.

They seem pretty cool. The CEO was nice to listen to, seems a solid leader. Black guy, and they talked about DEI initiatives a good deal, doubt they're backing out, I'm sold. The store manager chatted with us for 30-minutes. Hell, my last CEO was an excellent leader, with half the staff, and he didn't take 30 to talk to 4 low-paid beginners.

The main thread I picked up, from my interview, to the CEO talk, to the manager, was that you can move up fast if you come in, do a good job and take care of customers. Well hell, that's what I'm best at. Everyone I've met in leadership started on the floor for shit pay, CEO as well.

Turns out my direct super is the British dude that's helped me before, love that guy! Be sweating my ass off in the outdoor area soon enough, the position I asked for, but I think having that man on my side will get me through.

So, be honest, am I fooling myself here? This ain't my first rodeo and I got very positive vibes, but it's a monster retailer so there's that.

EDIT: Forgot some of the meat of the story. Time and attendance policy seems lenient enough, though I'm not used to even thinking about it. PTO is crap compared to what I'm used to, which taking about every Friday off. Can't say about health, 401K, all that, but they offer it to part timers. Not great, more than I expected, who knows. All in all, no threatening crap like I expected for $15/hr. "You toe the line or you're fired!", kinda bullshit. Turnover is a metric they take seriously, and call out management on it. I'll drill into it more tomorrow when training is more 1-on-1.


First off, homemade napalm is in no way illegal, nor does it explode. You've watched too many Vietnam movies. What it does do is burn. Forever. More on campfires to come.

Put a couple of fingers of unleaded in a pickle (wide mouthed) jar, stuff waste Styrofoam in it. You can jam the contents of a 40" TV packaging in a quart jar.

That's it, that easy. Keep cramming the foam in until you get a taffy consistency. Too much and it's too hard to dig out with a stick. Too little and it slips off your stick.

I keep a jar at my campsite and one in the house for starting our little fire pit. A golf ball chunk will start soaking wet kindling.

PRO TIP: Spread the goo on a cookie pan, 1.4" thick, let it dry in the summer sun, cut into little pieces with scissors, put it in a little plastic box (that you had saved already, right?). Now you can pack it out with no mess, no smell!

Never goes bad, as far as I know, can't be too dry.


As of now, ICE is only going after known criminal targets, not going door-to-door raiding for suspected illegals. That comes later.

A dozen officers from Immigration and Customs Enforcement gathered before dawn Monday in a Maryland parking lot, then fanned out to the Washington suburbs to find their targets: someone wanted in El Salvador for homicide, a person convicted of armed robbery, a migrant found guilty of possessing child sexual abuse material and another with drug and gun convictions. All were in the country illegally.

It's a little fucking alarming the government knew about such people and hadn't acted already. Anyone know more than I?

Under Trump, officers can now arrest people without legal status if they run across them while looking for migrants targeted for removal. Under Joe Biden, such “collateral arrests” were banned.

So for now, I'm fine with this, not so much the collateral business. Sounds like ICE has authority to act beyond their immediate remit. Surely there's no room for abuse? However, the "collaterals" in this case were due for arrest or deportation.

Of those “collaterals,” one had an aggravated theft conviction. Another had already been deported once, and two others had final orders of removal.

Problem being, they'll run out of legit targets before the electorate runs out of hate. The percentage of criminal illegals (heh, you know what I mean) is tiny. The one's I've known keep their heads down, don't want to risk deportation. Hell, my wife's a legal immigrant and she's terrified of crossing the law.

The issue is far to valuable to Trump and the GOP to ever slow this train. That's when the concentration camps really get rolling.

Thoughts? Seems the going opinion is that MAGA wants slave labor. But how does that actually work? Think on the turn-around time. They can't just pick someone up and plop them back into the fields the next day. Meantime, this will crash the economy once it really gets in gear. They have to know this.

Been saying for years, if the GOP really wants to end illegal immigration, start knocking doors at employers. My wife supervised an all illegal cleaning crew at a hotel. Yes, all illegal. FFS, they worked through an employment agency! Maybe they came illegal, still aren't documented, but get a pass as long as they're working and working towards a green card? That sounds great, but I suspect that ain't what's happening.

We all know that's the solution, if they really want a solution. So why is no one calling them out? You, me, Democratic politicians, all should be screaming this hypocrisy to the heavens. Threatening business owner's is the only way I can think of to kill this. They'll STFU quick, I saw that in Florida.


Sometimes we use the other bathroom, same deal. I never find the lid down, she never finds it up.

I feel like this is some magic that should never be talked about openly, like we agreed without speech and discussing it would break something. Lived with many women, this has never happened.

I'm just being weird, aren't I? I love her for it in any case.

EDIT: I wasn't clear. I'm talking about the seat. We're gross and don't put the lid down when we flush. Yes, I'm aware that tosses bacteria around, don't care. Unless one of us ends up with a compromised immune system, it's not a big deal. And we pretty much never fall ill.


That's an 80s Eastern Bloc (Hungary or Yugoslavia?) military greatcoat. Warmest thing I own. Must admit, that outfit screams for my reproduction black-powder rifle. "Hang on guys! My powder's wet!"

If you can't cosplay a communist without being called a rebel, you might be a redneck.


Been gunsmithing on a crappy Hatfield single-shot tonight, listening to Paul in the background. I learned damned near everything I know about guns from Gun Dad.


Applied during COVID (2020), had to call in and provide more information. Aight. Waited on hold for hours and hours, over and over again, gave up. In the meantime, Florida said, "You legal to own? You good to conceal carry." Aight.

Got a license in the mail today. Very legit looking. Holographic pic under/on-top of the state seal, top quality, etc. My pic looks like Rob Zombie, not sure where it's from, but it's clearly me.

The hell just happened?!

EDIT: Compared my pic to my DL, not even close. Maybe I sent a selfie 4-years ago? Maybe, can't remember?

This guy is named and is legit:

If I can conceal carry as-is, WTF does this do for me? State reciprocity? Make me more legit if I have to fuck with cops? Asking the next pig I see.

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